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Investment Forum Regulatory Update Round

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Presentation on theme: "Investment Forum Regulatory Update Round"— Presentation transcript:

1 Investment Forum Regulatory Update Round 1 - 2018

2 Learning Objectives Gain an awareness of how MiFID II has been implemented Gain an understanding of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the implications to your firm Gain an understanding of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme review

3 II

4 What is MiFID business? Shares Futures Options Derivatives
Units in collective investment schemes Investment trusts Exchange traded funds

5 What is IDD business? General Insurance Pure Protection
Investment based insurance products IBIPs include: Investment Bonds Protection with an investment element i.e. whole of life, unit linked CIC/IPP Endowments

6 Application of MiFID II & IDD
Some changes apply to MiFID business Others apply to both MiFID and IDD But remember; Pensions are not covered by either That is not to say they don’t get caught!

7 MiFID - Conduct of Business Rules
Client categorisation Complaints Inducements Research Disclosure Independence Suitability Appropriateness Dealing & managing Client agreements Underwriting & placing Investment research Product governance Knowledge & competence Taping Supervision Perimeter guidance Structured deposits

8 Taping If you are carrying out MiFID business you must record relevant calls or an ‘at least analogous’ outcome by way of a contemporaneous file note of the conversation A relevant telephone call is the reception of an order This does not apply to IDD business Alternatively, only accept written instructions

9 Suitability Client must have the ability to bear any losses

10 Suitability Reports A suitability report needs to be issued when advice is provided Advice is only where it is a personal recommendation A personal recommendation is to: Buy, Sell, or Hold

11 SRs – MiFID & IDD products
Reports must be issued before conclusion of the transaction All other investment business….before conclusion of the contract, unless the necessary information is provided orally, then immediately after the contract is concluded.

12 SRs – MiFID & IDD products
Reports must be issued before conclusion of the transaction All other investment business….before conclusion of the contract, unless the necessary information is provided orally, then immediately after the contract is concluded.

13 Suitability Reviews Suitability reviews must be carried out at least annually for MiFID investments Annually for IBIPs too But not for pensions!

14 Appropriateness This does not apply when making a personal recommendation It applies when arranging a complex MiFID or IDD product without advice i.e. Execution only services Direct offer promotions Automated services

15 What products are non-complex?
Shares – Investment trusts, ETFs Units – collective investment schemes Insurance products that are similar to the above i.e. investment bonds, etc Excludes those products where the underlying structure would be deemed complex

16 Disclosure – MiFID & IDD
MiFID II brought in a new regime for disclosure of costs and charges All costs and charges have to be aggregated This is designed to ensure clients understand the purchase cost and on-going cumulative effect on the return This will also apply to all IDD products

17 Discretionary Portfolio Managers
Where a client’s investment suffers a 10% depreciation they must be notified Only applies to MiFID investments Check the agreement and any addendums where you are the client of the DFM

18 Independence Independence was to consider all retail investment products: MiFID investments Insurance based investment products Other investments – pensions, structured products

19 Independence A firm must assess a sufficient range of relevant products and: (1) be sufficiently diverse with regard to their: (a) type; and (b) issuers or product providers, Or; (2) consider products or a single product line from the whole of market

20 Independent Always consider cash as an alternative – structured deposits? Confirm any limitation in the scope of independence If you are focused independent – do not recommend a product that does not meet the client’s objective

21 MiFID - Conduct of Business Rules
Client categorisation Complaints Inducements Research Disclosure Independence Suitability Appropriateness Dealing & managing Client agreements Underwriting & placing Investment research Product governance Knowledge & competence Taping Supervision Perimeter guidance Structured deposits

22 Training & Competence Anyone involved in IBIPs and/or protection sales must carry out 15 hours of CPD activity per year For investment advisers this is included within the 35 hours


24 SimplyBiz Support

25 General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

26 What is the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)?
Harmonised law across EU Member States Becomes enforceable on 25 May 2018 Now is the time to start preparing

27 What are the key points? Basic architecture is unchanged
New accountability requirement New rights for individuals, and strengthening of existing rights Your clients will be known as ‘data subjects’

28 Data Subjects – Enhanced Rights
Data subjects can elect to have data processed for restricted purposes only Right to data portability, to have data transferred to a new data controller The right to charge a fee for copied data has been removed unless it is excessive/repetitive Right to be ‘forgotten’ or erasing of data

29 GDPR throughout the sales process
Initial meeting Fair Processing Notices (Privacy Notice) Information sets out and includes; the identity of your firm the purposes for which information will be processed how long the data will be stored a description of how this information will be disclosed to third parties

30 GDPR throughout the sales process
Initial meeting Client consents to the processing of their personal data Consent must be clear and affirmative Consent for multiple purposes must be given individually The client has the right to withdraw consent at any time

31 GDPR throughout the sales process
Processing business All 3rd parties you deal with need to be GDPR compliant How do you evidence this? Your consent will allow processing of information between all relevant parties but not marketing

32 GDPR throughout the sales process
Storing of data - Computer Allocate staff unique passwords Change passwords on a regular basis Encrypt back-up data which is removed from the office

33 GDPR throughout the sales process
Paper based storage Building premises are alarmed & all windows have locks / shutters Advise staff to have a clear desk policy Ensure filing cabinets are locked when premises are unattended Dispose of confidential paper waste securely by shredding

34 GDPR throughout the sales process
Identity of customers Ensure customers are identified prior to personal information being discussed Check name, date of birth, postcode, etc

35 GDPR throughout the sales process
Clients can request a copy of their data. This is a Subject Access Request Previously you had 40 days and could charge £10.00 Now it is free and must be sent in one month Always identify the person making the access request is legally entitled to the data

36 GDPR throughout the sales process
The right to erasure is a fundamental part of GDPR A client can request that they are deleted from your records You can retain the data where the data is required to comply with legal requirements or it maybe required to defend a future legal claim

37 The GDPR Hub

38 The GDPR Hub

39 The GDPR Hub Awareness Awareness needed at principal level
Awareness needed at all staff level Overviews & guidance Gap analysis Training


41 FSCS Funding Proposals
Set up a trust to hold additional capital requirements Set up a surety bond for initial capital Align pension funds in drawdown to insurance based annuities Implement a 75/25 – intermediary/provider funding model

42 Looking Ahead to the LDEs
Senior Managers and Certification Regime Pension transfer final rules GDPR FAMR


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