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A candle in remembrance of a loved one

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1 A candle in remembrance of a loved one
Welcome to Worship! First Sunday in Advent A candle in remembrance of a loved one

2 Please join us for Holy Communion!
Welcome to the Lutheran Church of our Saviour! You need not be Lutheran nor a member of this Congregation. All are invited to join us at God’s Table. Gluten-free bread and grape juice are also available. Please join us for Holy Communion!

3 The Flowers on the Altar in the Sanctuary are placed by Sonya Mannerow in loving memory of Bill Mannerow.

4 Today’s Psalm Our Psalm for today is Psalm 47: We will be singing the Psalm responsively by whole verse.

5 We’re beginning the Advent Season with an Agape meal service.
It’s a Love Feast Today! We’re beginning the Advent Season with an Agape meal service.

6 Silent Auction – Viewing in the Narthex Scrappy Floral Trellis Quilt
Design by Liz Porter 77.5” X 96” (Double size) Proceeds to the LCOS Altar Guild for new Altar linens Adapted by Victoria Fraser Middleton Quilted by: Evelyn Sprung, Janice Mc Whinney, Victoria Fraser Middleton many hours of quilting

7 Confirmation Classes continue Monday, December 3rd
6:30 p.m.

8 Conversations of Faith
will continue Tuesday, December 11th, ‘Magnify the Light’ A 3-part Advent film and discussion series. A Lenten Study of Mission

9 Magnify the light Join Pastor Chris for a 3-part Advent film and discussion series 7 p.m. Dec. 4 & 18

10 Today, after Church Service in the Library.
Blood Pressure Clinic Today, after Church Service in the Library.

Order through the LCOS Church Office by DECEMBER 3rd. Plants are purchased through the Hanover Rotary Club in support of its many international projects.

12 Tuesday December 11, at 5:30 p.m.
Join Us, Tuesday December 11, at 5:30 p.m. for a fun filled evening of crafts, music, fellowship and food! All are welcome! Please see the sign-up sheet in the Narthex.

13 Catalogues are available in the Narthex

14 Come share your joy of music by joining the LCOS CHOIR!
CALLING ALL SINGERS! Come share your joy of music by joining the LCOS CHOIR! Anyone interested please speak to Music Director, Brenda Dimoff or any Choir Member.

15 Congregation members are invited and welcomed to assist.

16 Speak to Pastor Chris or to any member of Congregational Council
We’ve two Volunteers! We’re looking for a few more people interested in working on the next Photo Directory Interested? Speak to Pastor Chris or to any member of Congregational Council

17 The Witness Committee members are collecting eye glasses and plastic milk bags for Third World Missions and the homeless. Boxes are available in the Narthex for collection.

18 Also in the Narthex is a collection box for the distribution of evangelical literature through the Christian Salvage Mission….Please donate.

19 Volunteer Volunteer Worship help needed: Liturgical Assistants Sacramental Assistants Lectors Greeters Service Recorders Ushers & Greeters Interested? Speak to Pastor Chris

20 For details, please speak to either Gloria Pfeffer or Don Statham.
Applications are available in the Narthex.

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