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Questions & Answers From Friday, August 7, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Questions & Answers From Friday, August 7, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Questions & Answers From Friday, August 7, 2009

2 Which part are we doing first?
We are doing the fitness component of the class first.

3 How many credits is this class worth?

4 What all will we be doing?
1st 9-weeks will be the fitness component of the class We will be learning principles and concepts about exercise We will be engaging in physical activities such as walking, jogging, running, push-ups, sit-ups, and some sporting activities We will be keeping a portfolio throughout the semester which will track our progress

5 What all will we be doing?
2nd 9-weeks we will be involved in the Health component of the class We will be in the classroom working on health related topics We will complete ADAP

6 How will I be graded? Your grade will be broken down by categories
The 1st 9-weeks you will be graded on dressing out/participation and your skills tests which include the mile run, shuttle run, push-ups, sit-ups, and then your written final which will be 15% of your grade

7 How long is the fitness part?

8 What all physical things will we be doing this class?
Walking, jogging, running, push ups, sit-ups, stretching

9 How long is the class? Daily classes will meet 90-minutes
PAWS days we will meet 80-minutes The course is 18-weeks long or one full semester

10 Will we do any fun activities in this class?
It depends on what you consider fun? From time to time we will play games (football, Frisbee, soccer, etc.)

11 Why is this class required?
The class is state mandated, meaning every student in Georgia is required to have this class to graduate from high school

12 Is this class easy to pass?
If you actively participate and complete all your assignments this class should be very easy to pass

13 How many times do we have to run the mile?
You will be tested in the mile run twice throughout the 9-weeks However we will probably run the mile during training several other times

14 Can we use the same 3-ring binder or can we use the same one?
You need a separate binder for this class

15 What’s your favorite thing to do?
I enjoy exercising and spending time with my family

16 What happens if we don’t do any activity?
Your grade will suffer and there is a likely chance that you will not receive credit for the class

17 How are we scored on our physical exercise?
Most of the time you will be scored based on whether or not you participated If you participate and give a legitimate effort you will score well

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