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Immunochemical staining for HMBG3 in normal cervix, CIN III and invasive carcinomas and could show absent staining in normal cervix (A), absent to weak.

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Presentation on theme: "Immunochemical staining for HMBG3 in normal cervix, CIN III and invasive carcinomas and could show absent staining in normal cervix (A), absent to weak."— Presentation transcript:

1 Immunochemical staining for HMBG3 in normal cervix, CIN III and invasive carcinomas and could show absent staining in normal cervix (A), absent to weak staining in CIN III (B) and clear strong nuclear staining in invasive (C) carcinomas. Immunochemical staining for HMBG3 in normal cervix, CIN III and invasive carcinomas and could show absent staining in normal cervix (A), absent to weak staining in CIN III (B) and clear strong nuclear staining in invasive (C) carcinomas. Peter A van Dam et al. ESMO Open 2018;3:e000352 Copyright © European Society for Medical Oncology. All rights reserved.

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