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Lesson 3. Controlling program flow. Loops. Methods. Arrays.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 3. Controlling program flow. Loops. Methods. Arrays."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 3. Controlling program flow. Loops. Methods. Arrays.
Programming in C# Lesson 3. Controlling program flow. Loops. Methods. Arrays.

2 Three types of program flow
Straight line Chosen depending on a given condition Repeated according to a given condition

3 Making decisions

4 Making decisions in UML diagram

5 Two main constructions to control program flow

6 IF/ELSE construction if (condition) statement or block we do if the condition is true else statement or block we do if the condition is false

7 Conditions and Relational Operators
== > < <= >= != ! Only two types of values: true or false

8 Combining Logical Operators
&& ||

9 Combining Logical Operators sample:

10 Combining Logical Operators inversed sample:

11 SWITCH construction switch (value) { } case ‘option 1’:
statement or block we do if value equals ‘option 1’ break; case ‘option 2’: statement or block we do if value equals ‘option 2’ case ‘option 3’: statement or block we do if value equals ‘option 3’ default: statement or block we do in all other cases }

12 Loops

13 Loops in UML diagram

14 Four main types of loops

15 DO-WHILE Loop do statement or block while (condition);

16 DO-WHILE Loop Sample

17 WHILE Loop while (condition) statement or block

18 WHILE Loop Sample

19 FOR Loop for (setup; finish test; update) things we want to do a given number of times

20 FOR Loop Sample

21 Breaking Out of Loops break continue

22 Methods Reusing a piece of code
Break down a large task into a number of smaller ones

23 Simple method sample

24 Method Parameters

25 Method Parameters

26 Method Signature Type of Parameters Number of Parameters Return Type

27 Parameter Passing By Value

28 Parameter Passing By Reference

29 Passing Parameters as “out” Reference

30 What else should we know about method parameters?
Default parameters Variable number of parameters Method overload

31 Arrays

32 Array declaration

33 Array in Memory

34 Array Elements

35 Array Elements Initialization

36 Managing Array Sizes

37 Two Dimensional Arrays

38 Two Dimensional Array Declaration

39 Arrays and Lookup Tables

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