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Published by左廉 刘 Modified over 5 years ago
Easter Sunday slide I’m pastor shawn and you’re looking good!
don’t mind all the joy and enthusiasm 1. Easter: what our faith is all about the resurrection of Jesus 2. Excited that we are all together today (survey) Over 100 online viewers: We love you Survey “BETTER TOGETHER” Third question may seem odd as a first time guest easter is all about new beginnings you can’t have a new beginning without a next step So you can answer that and question 4 later But first let’s remember what Easter is all about!
Easter celebrates . . . the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the victory over death it brings to all who believe That is what the real easter story is all about
Jesus was handed over to die because of our sins, and He was raised to life to make us right with God and one another. (Romans 4:25, NLT)
If we believe and are united with Jesus in His death, we will also be raised to victory and new life as He was. (Romans 6:5, NET)
go from failure to victory (right uva?)
Love to see good have victory over evil – culture spends billions
We love to watch good defeat evil
Its not right if evil wins in the end(game)
We love to see people’s career’s rise again and end in victory.
We love people finding victory after defeat But these aren’t the most important victories of life We root for teams and players and imagine battles for good to overcome evil But they aren’t the most important battles
The most important battes are the ones we wage inside
Battles against: depression, selfishness, lust, addition, greed and pride In fact one philosopher once said . . .
“The hardest battle you will ever have to fight is between who you are now and who you should be.” (Ezra Taft Benson) I would say: “The greatest battle is between who you are And who God made you to be” The Bible says you I were created to have victory But we have an enemy that in Satan and our own selfishness constantly leads us to defeat In fact, while millions of people root for victory for their favorite team or player We can often lose the most important battles Like these – pic of family
This is where I need the resurrection of Jesus to bring victory in my life.
In my most important relationships, in my marriage, family, friendships and church family Why? Because my life is only as good as my relationships But my relationships are the most under attack and what dies so often in our world And today –I don’t want you to have a great service I want you to meet God in such a way that you will have a great life, a great marriage But you might say – Shawn – that’s already over – that’s dead and gone And I would say – welcome to Easter
What It Means To Believe In Jesus & His Resurrection For My Most Important Relationships John 11:4-44 (focusing on Martha learning to believe) Because there was a woman who said she believe in Jesus – who sees everything she hoped for in her family die Story: Martha who believes in Jesus watches her brother die / he has died physically – her relationship with him seemed to end And some of us hear –we have had love ones pass and we need to remember the resurrection for the next life But there are lot of us hear – that need to remember Jesus resurrection for people who are still alive on this earth but dead in our hearts. In this true story – everything Martha thought she understood about believing in Jesus and his resurrection is changed By the end of this story – Martha has seen the resurrection of her brother in her life And I believe Jesus is promising that for us as well. READ & PRAY) God you know the battles we face And you know our hearts. You know where relationships have died and reached a dead end. Please speak to us today Show us what it is to believe and live in the resurrection To see your miraculous victory in relationships and hope. I pray. amen
To believe in Jesus and His resurrection means we: 1
To believe in Jesus and His resurrection means we: 1. don’t give up on relationships that have died [v4] Jesus promises us resurrection Death is not a sign that God is not with you or given up on a relationship Death, Deadends – that’s where you see Jesus That’s not the time to - give up or run away. Our culture that runs away when things die Don’t run when you see the death and deadends Let me tell the truth: Every worthwhile relationship in your life will come to a deadend Because there are seasons!!!! Don’t run from your marriage, family, church, your failure to recover from addiction Ask my wife –what she thought I would always be for her died & deadended Not Because God didn’t mean it to be No because God wants more than what we thought it could be – the old had to die From this day forward - you can’t say you believe Jesus is the resurrection and give up on your marriage, your family, your church, those who love you
To believe in Jesus and His resurrection means we … 2
To believe in Jesus and His resurrection means we … 2. ask Jesus to make dead relationships alive, not bad relationships work. [v25-26] Jesus invites Mary to believe one thing: I make dead people alive again But so often – we believe Jesus makes bad people good Churches think – Jesus came to make bad people good / bad relationships work No –he came to let the old attitudes, expectations, lies and priorities die And then bring you the same person to you – in a resurrected way We have to stop asking Jesus to look at our relationships and our priorities like I do home repair!
We need to stop asking God to tape up the bad
stop asking God to make the bad work (this is my handy man skills at home ) Something needs to die and go away – but its not family relationships, church, – but let the old die – attitudes, priorities, schedules, habits Let Jesus give you a resurrection / not an escape and not a patch job (JESUS DID THAT FOR ME ON AN EASTER WEEKEND LONG AGO) Jesus asks –do you think I can do it. Do you believe I am the resurrection - WE SAY YES and then . . .
To believe in Jesus and His resurrection means we … 3
To believe in Jesus and His resurrection means we … 3. obey Jesus in relationships more than in religion Jesus invites Mary to believe one thing: I make dead people alive again But so often – we believe Jesus makes bad people good Churches think – Jesus came to make bad people good / bad relationships work No –he came to let the old attitudes, expectations, lies and priorities die And then bring you the same person to you – in a resurrected way We have to stop asking Jesus to look at our relationships and our priorities like I do home repair!
Then Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?”
Important The Word says: Seeing is believing Jesus says: Believing comes before seeing IN OTHER WORD Believing comes before your relationships change Good news of easter is if you believe in Jesus you will change Change your believing and Jesus will change what you see Look for him in the deadend – don’t run away, don’t explain to Him why he is wrong Ask for new life, not old fixes Do it now Because when Jesus asks us to believe he is not talking about (John 11:40, NIV)
I hope so Maybe we (make hand praying) Moving our hands, but not moving our feet – isn’t believing Don’t move or do anything – but we ask to fix things or bless us But this isn’t the believing Jesus is talking about Here is the best way I can explain what believing means
Leave what you are used to
Start to take one step to what seems like you can’t do Balance – the impossible and the practical And see how Jesus can bring you to where you nevre thought you could be Blondin / do you believe I can do what no one can
When we go across And you feel us falling to a side Don’t try to save yourself Trust me to get us across That’s what Jesus asks Martha –do you believe Leave the usual for my impossible in that battle
Don’t just “believe”. BE-LEAVE your old relationship plans and patterns.
Martha realizes what Jesus means by believing and she says yes. She be-leaves what she thinks And she sees resurrection happens This is what Jesus is asking us today Do you believe I can bring you where you never thought you could be He can Ask our members Tyshawn and Jazmine
Video Testimony of Jazmine & Tyshawn
You will see the victory of Jesus and His resurrection in the battles you face when you BE-LEAVE!
Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life
Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?” (John 11:25–26, NIV)
You have to let him take you where you could never go yourself
Balance – the impossible with everyday practical Today I will just do what Jesus ask me – I will hold on In fact the bible says for you to have unending, eternal life You have to believe in the impossible with the practical
If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Your heart leaves the old things you trust, old attitudes about yourself and people (Romans 10:9, NLT)
A – I already truly believe in Jesus
If you have – what do you next step do you need / leave old attitudes, fears or places of defeat
A – I already believe in Jesus B - I'd like to begin and believe in
A – I already believe in Jesus B - I'd like to begin and believe in Jesus today Can check that today – say a prayer
A – I already believe in Jesus B - I'd like to begin and believe in
A – I already believe in Jesus B - I'd like to begin and believe in Jesus today C - I'll consider this a bit more Don’t wait – we never know when the next battle will attack us But also you are always welcome here Next week finish the story of Lazarus Because new life trapped in the old –Jesus teaches us what it looks like to be-leave and then be-live a new way
A – I already believe in Jesus B - I'd like to begin and believe in
A – I already believe in Jesus B - I'd like to begin and believe in Jesus today C - I'll consider this a bit more D - I don't ever intend on making that decision Will pray for you
I also pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe him. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead This is the power to give you victory in the most important battles in life. Dear Jesus, I believe that you died for my sins And I believe that you were resurrected for my victory Please forgive me of my unbelief and my sin Come and be lord of my life And give me a new heart and mind to follow you by faith. I want your impossible future for me And for those I love. I thank you for being with me forever more. Amen. (Eph 1:19-20, NLT)
Please place your Easter survey with any prayer requests, praises or questions you may have in the offering buckets as they pass by We leaving the usual idea of money only being for us –give to god;s purpsoses If you want to talk to Tyshawn or Jaz or someone for prayer – connection center Hope you can next week as we talk about next steps Lord, thank you for new life, victoyr and next steps Receive our decisions and our tithes and offerings Help so many more know you through them In Jesus name - amen
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