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Caterpillar Class Diary Term 6, week beginning 8th July 2019

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1 Caterpillar Class Diary Term 6, week beginning 8th July 2019
Literacy Over the next few weeks our literacy sessions will see us writing letters to our new teacher in September, and to the new Catepillars joining our school in September. We have been making sure we know our capital letters and are working hard to write letters on lines – do help them with this at home! Topic On Thursday we set off with heavy rucksacks on a trek to the woods! The children were in their element exploring dens, clambering on trees, and hunting for minibeasts – of which we found many! We had a competition to see which team could create the best piece of natural art (well done winning teams! ) and had a go at tree rubbings. Much fun had by all. And Bug Day with Year 3 on Friday. What a week! Maths Fun times indeed this week as we measured fences, filled water bottles, estimated Cheerios and tried to see what it takes to make the scales balance. Some fantastic activities and learning have been taking place in the lovely warm weather. Maths homework Any DIY jobs needing doing at home this weekend? Do you need to do some measuring? Or are you trying to fill your water bottle with a cup?! How many cups do you think it will take? Grab tape measures, rulers, bottles, and cups and explore length and capacity. The Caterpillar class worship is on Wednesday 17th July at 9.15am. The children are really excited to share their learning and the term’s Christian value with you. Please do come and join us! If your child has a speaking part they will have their line in their book bag. Please help them to practice saying it. If your child is acting, ask them to explain their role. Mrs Spearing will be starting back at work on Monday 22nd July, overlapping with Mrs Watson for the last week of term. We look forward to welcoming Mrs Spearing back but are sad that these are our last days with Mrs Watson! Phonics homework The Summer Reading Challenge starts on Saturday. Do take this chance to have fun with hundreds of children by registering at the library and getting going with your first books. This could be the first of many Summer Reading Challenges for your child!

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