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Alyssa Satin Capucilli
Get the Egg Big Question: Which wild animals can we find in our neighborhood? Author: Alyssa Satin Capucilli Illustrator: Bernard Adnet Genre: Realistic Fiction
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Big Question: Which wild animals can we find in our neighborhood?
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Get the Egg Day 1
Daily Fix-it ten men sat on a jett. your redd sled is wet.
Unit 1 Get the Egg - Day 1
Daily Fix-it ten men sat on a jett. Ten men sat on a jet.
2. your redd sled is wet. Your red sled is wet. Unit 1 Get the Egg - Day 1
Morning Warm-up The fox and her kit lived in a zoo. A man gave them food to eat. Do other wild animals eat this way too? Which wild animals can we find in our own neighborhood? Unit 1 Get the Egg – Day 1
Time to Hatch Crack! The eggs begin to hatch now.
New birds come alive. They look at their habitat to See how they can survive. Little birdies see a pond and Feeders filled with seed, Thorny bushes they can hide in -- Everything they need! Unit 1 Get the Egg - Day 1
Amazing Words habitat –
A habitat is the place where an animal or a plant lives or grows. hatch – to hatch means to come out of an egg survive – to survive means to stay alive or live through Unit 1 Get the Egg - Day 1 Unit 1 Get the Egg – Day 1
Short e j e t jet m e n men w e b web h e n hen y e t yet m e ss mess
bag sit j e t jet m e n men w e b web h e n hen y e t yet m e ss mess
Word Work y e s w e ll e gg t e n f e d p e n t e ll n e t red
Unit 1 Get the Egg - Day 1 red
Word Reading - Short e pet pick deck hen bell rag egg six fell bed get
win pen miss lock Unit 1 Get the Egg - Day 1
1. Reading WB page 43 2. Spelling WB page 17
3. Journal – Think about “Time to Hatch”. Write about what the new little birds do first, next, and last. 4. AR test 5. Centers Read a book at your desk. Unit 1 Get the Egg – Day 1
Animals in Our Neighborhood Unit 1 Get the Egg - Day 1
3. i see the kit lick her lips
1. we saw a little egg 2. a green frog hops up 3. i see the kit lick her lips Unit 1 Get the Egg – Day 1
Write about what the new birdies do first, next, and last.
Daily Journal Writing Write about what the new birdies do first, next, and last. Unit 1 Get the Egg – Day 1
Get the Egg Day 2
Daily Fix-it i saw two men packing a sled
I saw Pop stepp on a weet rock. Unit 1 Get the Egg - Day 2
Daily Fix-it i saw two men packing a sled
4. I saw Pop stepp on a weet rock. I saw Pop step on a wet rock. Unit 1 Get the Egg - Day 2
Morning Warm-up Today we will read more about animals. We will see which ones travel on the ground. What animals have you seen walking around? Unit 1 Get the Egg – Day 2
Amazing Words gentle nudge Unit 1 Get the Egg - Day 2
Amazing Words gentle – Gentle means mild and soft. nudge –
When you nudge someone you push them without much force, often with your elbow. Unit 1 Get the Egg – Day 2
Initial Blends top stop st o p The sounds of the two consonant letters at the beginning of the word are blended together. cl a m clam tr i m trim sl i ck slick sm e ll smell st i ff stiff Unit 1 Get the Egg - Day 2
Word Work gl a d glad br i ck brick sk i p skip cl a p clap
gr i n grin sp e ll spell fl a p flap tr i p trip sp i ll spill rip Unit 1 Get the Egg - Day 2
Word Reading - Initial Blends
flip grin skip glass frog snap clock trick stack block crab spot slip dress swim Unit 1 Get the Egg - Day 2
3. Journal – Write about how baby animals move about.
1. Reading WB page 44, 45, 46 2. Spelling WB page 18 3. Journal – Write about how baby animals move about. 4. AR test 5. Centers Unit 1 Get the Egg – Day 2
Draw animals and tell how they move.
Daily Journal Writing Draw animals and tell how they move. Unit 1 Get the Egg – Day 2
Get the Egg Day 3
Daily Fix-it Yor legg got wet in the pond.
We caw Tim get a nett to use. Unit 1 Get the Egg - Day 3
Daily Fix-it Yor legg got wet in the pond.
Your leg got wet in the pond. We caw Tim get a nett to use. We saw Tim get a net to use. Unit 1 Get the Egg - Day 3
Morning Warm-up Today we will read about Brad and Kim. They help a bird whose egg is in danger. What could cause danger for a real bird’s eggs? Unit 1 Get the Egg – Day 3
Share Literature perch private Unit 1 Get the Egg - Day 3
Amazing Words perch – When you perch on something, you rest or sit on it. private – If something is private, it is done alone or hidden from others. Unit 1 Get the Egg – Day 3
Short e and Initial Blends
led s led sled When you come to a new word, look at all the letters in the word. Think about its vowel sounds and if the sounds of consonant letters can be blended together. l e g leg gr a b grab w e b web sp e ll spell Unit 1 Get the Egg - Day 3
That cross through my backyard. If I sit on my back step,
Spying on Animals I love to spy on animals That cross through my backyard. If I sit on my back step, It is not very hard. I see wrens On their nests Full of eggs. I watch spiders spin their webs and Butterflies Flying free. They spend their time with me. Unit 1 Get the Egg – Day 3
get step dress men press tell sled yes
Short e Without Blend Short e With Blend Unit 1 Get the Egg – Day 3
Why Birds Build Nests Unit 1 Get the Egg - Day 3
We know that birds build nests to make a safe place to lay their eggs
We know that birds build nests to make a safe place to lay their eggs. Sometimes something can happen to the egg before it hatches. Kim and Brad are characters in the story we are about to read. We’ll find out what they do to save a red bird’s egg.
Vocabulary bird nest
High – Frequency Words saw are small the tree too your you
Unit 1 Get the Egg – Day 3 tree too your you Unit 1 Get the Egg - Day 3
1. Reading WB page 47 2. Spelling WB page 19 3. AR test
4. Journal – Write about a bird, bug, or other animal you have seen in nature. Centers Unit 1 Get the Egg – Day 3
habitat animal backyard water desert forest Unit 1 Get the Egg – Day 3
Brad puts the egg back in the nest.
A big twig knocks an egg out of a nest. Brad uses his net to get the egg. Unit 1 Get the Egg – Day 3
The red bird lays eggs in the nest. Baby birds hatch from the eggs.
The red bird makes a nest in a tree. Unit 1 Get the Egg – Day 3
Character What Happened
Sam Pig Ox Fox Unit 1 Get the Egg – Day 3
Write about a bird, bug, or other animal you have seen in nature.
Daily Journal Writing Write about a bird, bug, or other animal you have seen in nature. Unit 1 Get the Egg – Day 3
Get the Egg Day 4
Daily Fix-it the mix is a hitt This mix winz too
Unit 1 Get the Egg - Day 4
Daily Fix-it the mix is a hitt The mix is a hit. This mix winz too
This mix wins too. Unit 1 Get the Egg - Day 4
Morning Warm-up Did you ever see a bird perched in a tree? Did you watch it resting in a nest? Today we will read about a way we can help birds eat. What other animals can we help that live in a backyard? Unit 1 Get the Egg – Day 4
Amazing Words moist - If something is moist it is slightly wet or damp. Unit 1 Get the Egg - Day 4
taps mixing - s ing Unit 1 Get the Egg – Day 4
Word Reading Tom eat this said kicks too naps locking man sits look
van where her of hops did packing pad pot Unit 1 Get the Egg - Day 4
Read Words in Context Did you see where Tom sits and naps?
“I will eat a pot of this too,” said Nick. Look at the man packing and locking the van. The frog hops and kicks to get to her pad. Unit 1 Get the Egg – Day 4
1. Reading WB page 48, 49 2. Spelling WB page 20
3. Journal – Write about what happens when you find a nest with eggs in it. 4. AR test 5. Centers Unit 1 Get the Egg – Day 4
Telling Sentences 1. The bird sits in its nest.
2. a frog flops in the pond A frog flops in the pond. 3. the fox licks its lips The fox licks its lips. Unit 1 Get the Egg – Day 4
Write about what happens when you find a nest with eggs in it.
Daily Journal Writing Write about what happens when you find a nest with eggs in it. Unit 1 Get the Egg – Day 4
Get the Egg Day 5
Daily Fix-it You can use my nett stepp up here to see a bird.
Unit 1 Get the Egg - Day 5
Daily Fix-it You can use my nett You can use my net.
10. stepp up here to see a bird. Step up here to see a bird. Unit 1 Get the Egg - Day 5
Morning Warm-up This week we read about many wild animals. A baby polar bear gets a gentle nudge. Another baby animal has a private perch. Why does a wild animal pick a certain habitat? Unit 1 Get the Egg – Day 5
Review – Short e and Initial Blends
The clam and the crab will get wet. I have ten blocks and six bricks. Look at the red and black sled. I can skip and Ben can swim. Unit 1 Get the Egg – Day 5
tree small saw your Where is ___________ nest, birdie?
How ____________ can it be? I think I just __________ it, In that big oak ___________! Unit 1 Get the Egg - Day 5
Handwriting sheet – to be graded
Journal – Write about a way you can help birds. 3. AR test 4. Centers Unit 1 Get the Egg – Day 5
Write about a way you can help birds.
Daily Journal Writing Write about a way you can help birds. Unit 1 Get the Egg – Day 5
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