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Presentation on theme: "SECURITY/BAGGAGE TYPE CABINET OPERATOR TRAINING COURSE"— Presentation transcript:

X-RAY MACHINE OPERATOR TRAINING COURSE Hello… and welcome to this unique Cabinet X-Ray Operator Training course designed specifically for facilities that own and operate security type cabinet type x-ray machines used primarily for security and threat detection purposes at security checkpoints. State radiation control agency regulations for X-Ray equipment operations, require that all individuals, who in the course of their employment have duties and responsibilities working with sources of radiation like a cabinet x-ray system must receive training in the operations of the x-ray equipment and the radiation safety/hazards/emergency procedures of the x-ray equipment. The x-ray operator is required to demonstrate competence in the operation of the equipment and records are required to be maintained of ALL training provided for State inspection. The primary focus of this training course is to provide the cabinet x-ray machine operator with enough information to safely operate, inspect, and maintain these radiation emitting systems, and to ensure regulatory compliance is maintained and proper radiation safety practices are applied while working with or around x-ray inspection systems. Before you get started, you must complete the 2 hour radiation safety training course. Here you will be able to click on the link provided so you can PRINT the 50-page student handout that comes with this online training course package. You can use this handout as a good reference to go back to if you have any questions. The authorized user of a valid copy of the materials covered by this instruction manual may reproduce this publication only for the purpose for which it is intended. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted for any other purpose, such as selling copies of this publication or providing paid-for support services. © 2019 RCE Consulting, LLC. All rights reserved. DISCLAIMER: The information provided in this cabinet x-ray operator training course is in no way intended to be a course for image interpretation. Manufacturers or their agents or partners typically offer image interpretation training, RCE Consulting, LLC does not. This course is intended to introduce the cabinet x-ray operator to the generic features, controls and operations of a security type cabinet x-ray system. The X-Ray Operator shall consult with the manufacturer, distributor, installer and/or the operating manual provided with your x-ray equipment in order to fully understand your x-ray equipment safety features, hazards, capabilities and limitations. All course content is for informational and educational purposes. RCE Consulting, LLC makes no claim as to the accuracy, legality or suitability. RCE Consulting, LLC shall not be held liable for any errors, omissions or for damages of any kind. Manufacturers modify and update operating software frequently, therefore; it is the owners responsibility to comply with the most current and specific operating procedures as well as all Federal and State regulatory requirements for device registration, training, inspection, testing and surveys.


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