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Daily Oral Language Week # 9

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1 Daily Oral Language Week # 9

2 Directions Using your best handwriting, please write the two sentences on the next slide into your Language spiral notebook. Watch out! There are errors in the sentences that need to be corrected. Write each sentence correctly into your notebook. Keep this spiral to study for the test over these sentences that will be on Friday.

3 Day 1 Long ago a farmer’s goos lay an goalden eg.
The farmer got excited and yelled “I’m rich I’m really rich!

4 Corrected Sentences Day 1
Long ago a farmer’s goose laid a golden egg. The farmer got excited and yelled, “I’m rich! I’m really rich!”

5 Day 2 Every day the farmer’s goos lain another gorgous egg
“A egg a day is goud said the farmer, but many eggs would be more good.”

6 Corrected Sentences Day 2
Every day the farmer’s goose laid another gorgeous egg. “An egg a day is good,” said the farmer, “but many eggs would be better.”

7 Day 3 Soon the farmer very rich he beggan to get gready.
He said, I wants all them eggs now!

8 Corrected Sentences Day 3
Soon the farmer was very rich. He began to get greedy. He said, “I want all those eggs now!”

9 Day 4 After killing the goose, the farmer looked inside it and ghasped there weren’t no eggs The farmer said “Now I has no goose or golden eggs!”

10 Corrected Sentences Day 4
After killing the goose, the farmer looked inside it and gasped. There weren’t any eggs! The farmer said, “Now I have no goose or golden eggs!”

11 Weekly Test Directions:
Write each sentence correctly on a separate piece of notebook paper. (Please do not write them into your spiral notebook.) Check each sentence carefully before turning in your test.

12 Test – Week # 9 Name: _______________ #____
1. Long ago a farmer’s goos lay an goalden eg. 2. “A egg a day is goud said the farmer, but many eggs would be more good.” 3. He said, I wants all them eggs now! 4. After killing the goose, the farmer looked inside it and ghasped there weren’t no eggs Score:

13 Test Answers – Week 9 1. Long ago a farmer’s goose laid a golden egg. 2. “An egg a day is good,” said the farmer, “but many eggs would be better.” 3. He said, “I want all those eggs now!” 4. After killing the goose, the farmer looked inside it and gasped. There weren’t any eggs!

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