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Transportation for Students in Foster Care ESSA Guidance

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1 Transportation for Students in Foster Care ESSA Guidance
Region One Education Service Center Office of School Improvement, Accountability and Compliance

2 Pg

3 Ensure Transportation is provided, arranged, and funded
“Some children in foster care will need transportation to remain in their school of origin when it is in their best interest.” LEA State or Child Welfare Agency Ensure Transportation is provided, arranged, and funded

4 Foster Care Transportation: Role of the LEA
LEA collaborates with State or Local Child Welfare Agency to develop clear written procedures of how transportation to maintain foster care students in their school of origin will be implemented Children in foster care needing transportation to their schools of origin will receive that transportation in a cost effective manner Ensures child in foster care needing transportation receives transportation for duration of time child is in foster care LEA provides transportation when there are additional costs

5 Foster Care Transportation: Role of the LEA
LEA provides transportation when there are additional costs if: The local child welfare agency agrees to reimburse the LEA for the cost of such transportation The LEA agrees to pay for the cost; or The LEA and local child welfare agency agree to share the cost

6 Foster Care Transportation: Role of the Child Welfare Agency
Ensures that the educational stability of each child in foster care includes an assurance that the child welfare agency has coordinated with the LEA to ensure the child can remain in the school of origin If school of origin is not in child’s best interest, ensure that child is immediately enrolled in a new school Collaborate with LEA to explore the full range of options for providing, funding and maintaining transportation in school of origin State or Child Welfare Agency

7 Timeline TEA Deadline For Addendum December 8, 2016

8 Costs Regular costs: What it costs to transport a student to his/her assigned school Additional costs: The difference between what an LEA would spend to transport a student to his/her school of origin

9 Disputes LEA and Child Welfare Agency should make every effort to reach agreement as transportation is a central component of educational stability LEAs and Child Welfare Agencies can consider all federal funding sources Transportation procedures should address how the transportation requirement for foster care students will be met even if the agencies cannot reach an agreement Procedures could include a local dispute process An LEA must ensure the child stays in their school of origin will transportation costs are being resolved

10 Federal Funding Sources
Title IV-E funds are available to assist with additional transportation costs for children who are eligible for Title IV-E foster care maintenance payments Title I, Part A funds are available provided they are not part of a homeless reservation

11 Additional Highlights:
Education and child welfare agencies must designate points of contact to coordinate transportation planning. Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) has designated the Child Protective Services (CPS) regional education Specialists and the CPS service program administrators to serve as the points of contact To view a list of CPS regional education specialists and Service program administrators visit: To view a map of DFPS regions visit: To view a list of corresponding DFPS regions, counties and local school districts visit: LEAs are required to provide assurance in their local Title I plans that they will collaborate with the State or local child welfare agency to designate a point of contact and develop clear, written procedures governing transportation

12 Foster Care District Support
2016 Foster Care/McKinney Vento Resource Webpage 2/23/16 Foster Care Consortium Meeting 6/23/16 Foster Care Consortium Meeting (Laredo) 11/9/16 11/28/16 Errata noticed Forwarded to Districts with invitation to Foster Care Transportation Procedures Work Session 12/2/16 Foster Care Transportation Procedures Work Session 12/14/16 Federal Programs Directors Meeting Presentation 2/14/17 Finance Directors Meeting Presentation

13 Belinda S. Gorena, Administrator 956-984-6173
Ruben Degollado, Coordinator Benjamin Macias, Specialist

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