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Nursing Informatics and the Foundation of Knowledge

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1 Nursing Informatics and the Foundation of Knowledge
Chapter 30 Nursing Informatics and the Foundation of Knowledge

2 Objectives Assess nursing as a knowledge-intensive profession.
Explore the contribution of nursing informatics to the foundation of knowledge.

3 Foundation of Knowledge Model
The Foundation of Knowledge Model © 2007 (refer to model) has provided a framework for examining the dynamic interrelationships between data, information, and knowledge used to meet healthcare delivery system’s, organizations’, patients’ and nurses’ needs.


5 Foundation of Knowledge Model
At its base, the model has bits, bytes (computer terms for chunks of information), data and information in a random representation. Growing out of the base are separate ‘cones of light’ that expand as they reflect upward and represent knowledge acquisition, knowledge generation, and knowledge dissemination.

6 Foundation of Knowledge Model
At the intersection of the cones and forming a new cone is knowledge processing. Encircling and cutting through the knowledge cones is feedback which acts on and may transform any or all aspects of knowledge represented by the cones.

7 Foundation of Knowledge Model
Early on in our education as nurses, we focus our conscious attention mainly on knowledge acquisition and depend on our instructors and others to process, generate and disseminate knowledge. As we become more comfortable with the science of nursing, we begin to ‘take over’ some of the other knowledge functions.

8 Foundation of Knowledge Model
As nurse knowledge workers, information is our primary resource and when we deal with information it is done in overlapping phases. We are acquiring, processing or assimilating and retaining, and using this information to generate and disseminate knowledge.

9 Foundation of Knowledge Model
Knowledge is thought of as either explicit or tacit knowledge. Explicit knowledge, is the knowledge that we can convey in letters, words and numbers. Tacit knowledge is individualized and highly personal or private including your values or emotions.

10 Reflective Practice A way to capture and codify tacit knowledge.
Reflection is a way of both learning about practice and a basis for changing practice. Enables a practitioner to find a means in which to put this personal or experiential knowledge into words Helps to understand why a situation turned out as it did and whether future practice could be improved

11 IT Tools for Organizational Knowledge Management
intranets, extranets (shared intranets among several like organizations), knowledge directories, blogs, and wikis.

12 Collaborating to Build Knowledge
Joining a Nursing Practice Council Subscribing to a List-serv Joining a Community of Practice

13 Knowledge Workers There are three types of knowledge workers:
knowledge consumers knowledge brokers knowledge generators. This breakdown of knowledge workers is not mutually exclusive but instead we transition between them as situations and our experience, education, and knowledge change.

14 Knowledge Consumers and Brokers
Knowledge consumers are mainly users of knowledge who do not have the expertise to provide the knowledge they need for themselves. Knowledge brokers know where to find information and knowledge, they generate some knowledge but are mainly known for their ability to find what is needed.

15 Knowledge Generators Knowledge generators are the “primary sources of new knowledge”. These are our nursing researchers and nursing experts, the people who “know”. They are able to answer our questions, craft theories, find solutions to nursing problems or concerns and innovate practice.

16 Nursing Knowledge The healthcare industry, the nursing profession and our patients all benefit as we develop nursing intelligence and intellectual capital by gaining insight into nursing science and, its enactment, practice. In order to be able to enhance the acquisition, processing, generation, dissemination and reuse of nursing knowledge, we must codify or be able to articulate our knowledge structures so that they can be captured within the knowledge management systems (KMS).

17 Foundation of Knowledge Model
The Foundation of Knowledge Model © 2007 reflects that knowledge is power and for that reason, nurses focus on information as a key resource. Nurses are knowledge workers, working with information and generating information and knowledge as a product. We are knowledge acquirers, providing convenient and efficient means of capturing and storing knowledge.

18 Knowledge in Nursing Nursing science is dependent on knowledge generation and nursing informatics should facilitate all aspects of nursing. Nursing informatics can also be used to facilitate nursing administration and managerial studies of the work of nursing. Knowledge must be dynamically generated, disseminated and assimilated.

19 Foundation of Nursing Knowledge
This dynamic interplay means that as knowledge is generated, disseminated and assimilated, new questions about the impact of NI will arise that will help new knowledge to be generated and assimilated and so on. As nurses, we challenge what is known and want to acquire, process, generate and disseminate knowledge.

20 Summary As a result of reading this book, you should have a deeper understanding of knowledge and informatics and the power they have to inform the science of nursing. We invite you to become active participants in molding the future of both nursing and informatics sciences.

21 Thought Provoking Questions
1. How can I apply the knowledge I gain from my practice setting to benefit my patients and enhance my practice? 2. How can I help my colleagues and patients understand and use the current technology that is available? 3. How can I use my wisdom to help create the theories, tools, and knowledge of the future?

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