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Making a String Poem Pirates Pirates Pirates Tricky Terrific

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1 Making a String Poem Pirates Pirates Pirates Tricky Terrific
Choose your topic. Write the topic on three post-it notes and stick these up on the board. Then write out a few more post-its with the topic on as line finishers for your poem (as many lines as you like) and three more for the final line. Split audience into groups and give them a type of word (ending in ‘ing’, starting with ‘ex’, trisyllabic, monosyllabic, alliteration, etc. – whatever you want – just differentiate it as you see fit) Pass out the post-its and get the groups writing! Stick post-its on the board. Pirates Pirates Pirates 6. Once it’s all laid out get the pupils to rearrange the words into what they think is the best order for each line. Tricky Terrific Terrifying Pirates Exciting Excellent Exhausted Pirates Inspiring Bloodcurdling Amazing Pirates Brilliant Wonderful Fabulous Pirates Pirates Pirates Pirates

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