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Te IRA moana Mēnā he iwi noho takutai, kei tōna reo anō ōna kupu whakaāhua i te noho a te karoro inu tai  If it's a tribe living on the coast it has.

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Presentation on theme: "Te IRA moana Mēnā he iwi noho takutai, kei tōna reo anō ōna kupu whakaāhua i te noho a te karoro inu tai  If it's a tribe living on the coast it has."— Presentation transcript:

1 Te IRA moana Mēnā he iwi noho takutai, kei tōna reo anō ōna kupu whakaāhua i te noho a te karoro inu tai  If it's a tribe living on the coast it has words in its dialect that reflect what a person living by the sea would use. E te tai rā, te tai ra; E pari an ki whea? E pari ana ki te kauheke, kaumātua, he atua, he atua… ā-Tangaroa karoro inu tai Play 1. (noun) person accustomed to living by the sea. Mēnā he iwi noho takutai, kei tōna reo anō ōna kupu whakaāhua i te noho a te karoro inu tai (HM 2/1996:1) / If it's a tribe living on the coast it has words in its dialect that reflect what a person living by the sea would use. Tirohanga Māori

2 Tirohanga Māori Te Tirohanga Māori Kaitīakitanga Whakaheke Atua
Te Aitanga ā-Tangaroa Kaitīakitanga Āhuatanga o ngā mataira moana no te whakaaro Māori aitanga  1. (noun) descent, progeny. Ka tohe ia me whakauru katoa mai ngā uri o Tuperiri ki roto ki te whenua. Me ka kore e whakaaetia e te kāwanatanga te petihana, he pai kē atu te hanga waka a te kāwanatanga hei uta atu māna i ngā aitanga a Tuperiri kua whenua kore, tukua ki te mata o te moana mānu ai (TTR 1996:119). / He insisted that all descendants of Tuperiri be included in the land. If the government did not agree to the petition, then the government would be better to build a canoe and put on board the descendants of Tuperiri who no longer had land, and let them drift away into the ocean.  2. (noun) act of copulation, conception. Ka pā te mate whakatahe i ngā tahumaero hou, te kore kai i te wā o te aitanga me te taenga mai o ngā tahumaero taihemahema (Te Ara 2014). / Miscarriages occurred due to new diseases, malnutrition at the time of conception, and the arrival of sexually transmitted diseases. Tirohanga Māori

3 Whakaheke Atua: Ko wai ā Tangaroa?
Ko Tangaroa hai atua mo te moana Ka moe i a ia kia Hine-whakamoutai ka puta ki waho Ko te Ikanui te mātāmua, Ko Poutū-te-Rangi te waenga, Ko Punga te pōtiki Tirohanga Māori

4 Whakaheke Atua: Te Aitanga ā-Tangaroa
Te Kore Te Ao Te Pō Ko Ranginui e tū iho nei = Ko Papatūānuku e takoto nei Tangaroa = Hine-whakamautai Ikanui Poutū-te-Rangi Punga Tirohanga Māori

5 Whakapapa o Ikanui Ikanui = Hine moana (Ka puta ko te Aitanga ā-Tangaroa) Tohorā me te Parāoa Aihē me te Maroro Te tini o ngā ika Tirohanga Māori

6 Ikanui Tīakitanga o te Moana Ko te Mauri o te Wai
Ko te Waitī me te Waitā Ko te Waimāori, he Waitī, e koropūpū ana i te tihi o te maunga, ka puta ki waho… he awa e rere ana ki tētehi roto, puta atu ano ki te ākau i te moana, ara he Waitā wēnā. Conceptual Framework: Ikanui Pastoral care of water bodies: Rivers, streams, lakes, oceans including the human connection of the waters of the womb, the waters of the creation of life and elements of water in all things The spiritual life force of H2O speaks to the qualities of water as a primary life giving, life sustaining source. Māori elevate its status as to having a special ‘mauri’ and thus iwi taketake recognise waters’ role in sustaining the balance of life on this planet. Waitī: E hono ana a Waitī ki te wai māori me ngā koiora katoa o ngā awa, o ngā manga, o ngā roto anō hoki (Matariki 2017:29-30). / Waitī (Maia) is connected to fresh water and all life of the rivers, streams and lakes. Waitā: E hono ana a Waitī rāua ko Waitā ki te kai me te wai; he tāne tētehi, he wahine tētehi. Ko te take kei runga ake a Waitī i a Waitā, he heke nō te wai māori ki te wai tai i ngā wā katoa, koirā te take kei ō rāua wāhi rāua e iri ana i te rangi (Matariki 2017:33). / Waitī (Maia) and Waitā (Taygeta) are associated with food and water; one is male and the other female. The reason that Waitī is situated above Waitā is because fresh water always flows down to salt water, that’s the reason for their positions in the sky. Tirohanga Māori

7 tīakitanga o te Moana Ko te moananui, ko te moanaroa, ko te moana me tōnā hōhonutanga i whāngai he waikohu ki te Aokapurangi, hai oranga mo tatou katoa. He ngaru-hau, he ngaru-roa, he ngaru-paewhenua Ko te moana he pātaka kōrero, me he mea, te pātaka kai rānei… Ararā, kia tīakina ai te moana! Tirohanga Māori

8 tīakitanga o te moana Kai reira ngā tohu o te Taiao, he kōpere, he wai-kohu, he marangai kei te rangi… Engari, kai te moana, he tuna, he koura, he kōkōpū, he ika Kai reira anō he kaitīaki, e ngā ra o mua, he Taniwha, he Tāwhito, he Mauri … tīakitanga implies an actor or protagonist to action a plan. In Te Ao Māori that is the role of a Kai pūpuri o te mauri, ergo a kaitīaki. Traditional cultural indicators were: the eels, the crayfishes, the native trout, fish … Kaitiati were referring to mythical super beings: dragons and oracles and cosmic energies … Who were the knowledge holders of the sacred sources of ecological heritage? Quite simply the answer is that we human beings are the guardians of today; However, the ultimate question is what skills do we require? What types of learnings should we possess? What types of praxis do we have to master, in order to qualify as guardians, as protectors, as researchers and as evolutionary beings who know our place in the web of life Tirohanga Māori

9 tīakitanga o te moana Ko wai rā ngā kai-pūpuri o tēnei mea te mauri o wēnei tū mōmō āhuatanga? Ko te whakautu, ko hunga tangata hai kaitīaki mo ināianei Ko te pūtake pēnei ana, he aha ngā pūkengatanga, ngā mōhioranga me nga āheitanga e moho nei tētehi kaitīaki? Katahi rā, ka taea ngā kai-tirotiro ki tōnā taumata o te whakawhāiti o te Tai Ao. Tirohanga Māori

10 tīakitanga o te hunga tangata
He kai, he inu, he oranga tonu tapu Mei te hunga tangata e tīaki ana te mauri moana me te Aitanga ā-Tangaroa Tirohanga Māori

11 Ko te Whare hukahuka o Tangaroa
Ko Poutū-te-Rangi ka moe kia Hine te Iwaiwa (Hine te Ngiangia) Ka puta ko Rua te Pupuke Ko Rua te Pupuke ka moe kia Hinengaru (Hinengaro) Ka puta ki waho ko Rua te Pūkenga Ko Rua te Pūkenga ka moe kia Hineākau (Hinengākau) Ka puta mai ko Manuruhi … Tirohanga Māori

12 Ko te korokoro-ō-te parata
He whakahuahuatau o mua rānō Atu i te hekenga o ngā waka mai Hawai'i i te Moananui ā-Kiwa Ko Manuruhi te parata o te whare hukahuka ā-Tangaroa Tirohanga Māori

13 Ko te Whare Ko te Tirohanga Māori
Te tūākiri o te whare hukahuka o Tangaroa he ōrite ki te tūākiri o te tangata Te tūkaokaoroa wāhine me te tūkaokaoroa tāne He taitama tāne te amo kōpāiti; he koroua kei te pou maui ki muri rānō. He taitama kōtiro te amo taranui; He mareikura kei te pou katau ki muri anō rā. Tirohanga Māori

14 Ngā Wai e rua Ko te Ao Kikokiko me te Ao Wairua Te Ao Kikokiko
Ka noho nei tatou ki roto i te Ao Kikokiko I whānau mai te hunga tangata ki te Ao Tūroa I mate haere te hunga tangata ki te tatau o Te Pō Ko tōnā tīnana kia Papatūānuku, ko tōnā wairua kia Papatūārangi ki Tūā i Paerau Tirohanga Māori

15 Ngā rua o te wai Te Ao Wairua
Mai te ora ki te mate, puta atu te mate ki te ora Kai tūāwhakarere ka hoki mai tētehi rerenga wairua He mōmō āhuatanga te wairua o te hunga kua ngaro, koinā te kura huna! Ma te mātatau ānake i āheingia i te whāwhā te wairua, hai whakaora ai, hai whakamate ai rānei Tirohanga Māori

16 Matatauranga ā-mārama / ā-tau rĀnei
Me mātua whakaaro ngā kare ā-roto o te hunga tangata Ko te nuinga o ngā mataira i te tīnana o te tangata, he wai… Ko te mātāpuna o te tapu o te tangata ērā o ngā mātāpono, te pikinga hekenga o ngā matatauranga o te hunga tangata ia mārama, ia tau, me te mutunga iho ka tau ai te moho, ka tau ai anō te māramatanga… Tirohanga Māori

17 Matatauranga Māori Pikinga me te hekenga o ngā kare ā-roto, ara ko pēnei na: Tīnana – te whāwhā ā-ringa Hinengaro – te rongo kākara o te ihu kurī Ngākau – te ariari taringa Āngiangia – te maramara o te niho Biorythmnic cycles are the effects of cosmic bodies and there location in-relation to Papatūānuku / Papatūārangi. The correlation between the effects that this wairua energy on the hunga tangata is reflected in the heightening and dereasing of mental, emotional, physical, phycological, and mental self cognition Tiakitanga o te Moana is self-evident. This Tirohanga Māori

18 Matatauranga Māori Pikinga me te hekenga o ngā kare ā-roto, ara ko pēnei na: Wairua – te kitenga kānohi Matakite – te māramatanga o te kitenga ā-wairua Rere wairua – te mōhioranga i te kite ā-wairua me ōnā tohutohu Patu wairua me te whakapiki wairua – te whāwhā ā-wairua Āhuatanga ako toro whānui – ka hikohiko te kanapanapa o te ūirā Tirohanga Māori

19 Te oranga tonu tapu o te tai timu
Kaitīakitanga: He tauwira tēnei ki te whai huarahi Ko te toheroa he taonga o te waitai E papaki ana te Tai Hauāuru ki te onepū hai wāhi mo ngā tūpuranga angaanga toheroa Rangahauhia te kōeketanga o te toheroa Kaitīakitanga

20 Te oranga tonu tapu o te tai pari
Kaitīakitanga: He tauwira ki te whai huarahi Te matenga o nga wīra kai Kaupokonui i Manaia kei te rohe o Taranaki maunga Ka karanga e te hau kainga o Ngāti Tu kia Papa Hori Parata no Ngāti Wai Ko ētehi o ōnā pūkenga ki te whakaako te hauhake o ngā tōhora me ngā parāoa hai rauhanga mo te iwi Kaitīakitanga

21 Ko te Tirohanga Māori o te MĀtauranga PŪtaiao
He pitopito kōrero e pa ana: Ki te kaupapa kaitīakitanga o te moana me Tangaroa whakamautai Kaitīakitanga

22 Ko te Tirohanga Māori o te MĀtauranga PŪtaiao
Me te oranga tonu tapu o te tai timu Me te oranga tonu tapu o te tai pari Tangaroa Whakamautai: Tangaroa in communion with Hine Whakamautai whose effects of the moon causes tidal movements over a month cycle mātauranga pūtaiao Play 1. (noun) science, scientific technique. I te tekau tau atu i 1990, i te whanaketanga o ēnei mātauranga pūtaiao, ka arotakengia anōtia te wā tae tuatahi ai te tangata ki Aotearoa (Te Ara 2011). / During the 1990s as the scientific technique developed the date that humans first arrived in New Zealand was re-assessed. kaitīakitanga Play 1. (noun) guardianship, stewardship, trusteeship, trustee. Nō te tau 1962 i whakatūria a ia hei mana whakaāio, ā, whakatūria ana hoki ia i te tau 1970 ki te poari o te kaitīakitanga mātauranga o Pā Moore hei kanohi mō te iwi Māori (TTR 2000:77). / In 1962 he was made a justice of the peace and he was appointed to the Monsignor Moore Education Trust board in 1970 as the representative of the Māori people.` tai timu Play 1. (noun) ebb tide, low tide, low water. I te mea e aru ana rāua i te tai timu, mahue ana ō rāua whakaaro mō ngā hōiho rā (TWK 11:19). / Because the two of them were chasing the low tide, they forgot about those horses. tai pari Play 1. (noun) high tide. Ko te wāhi e tārewa ana ko ngā roto kei waenganui i ngā whenua, ko ngā parumoana, arā ko ngā whenua e pā ana ki ngā moana, e ngaromia ana e te tai pari. Ki te Māori he whenua ēnei nōna (TTT 1/8/1922:13). / The part still unresolved relates to lakes within the land and the seabed, that is the land associated with the sea which is covered by the high tide. To the Māori this land belongs to them. Te oranga tonu tapu: Culturalised concept of sustained (eternal) health and wellbeing

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