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Technological Changes

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1 Technological Changes
All: Understand how technological changes have impacted upon businesses Most: ExpLain how business have adapted to the pressures of technological changes in society

2 Technological Factors
Computers, software and machinery New innovative processes in sales, distribution and delivery services

3 Technological Changes to Production / operations: EPOS & EFTPOS
Electronic Point of Sale – Barcode - Records the product electronically - Lots of information about the product - Record stock levels and sales Electronic Funds Transfer at Point of Sale - EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) makes payments between account holders via a debit or credit card. BACS (Bankers Automated Clearing System) used to pay employees money into their accounts and set up Direct Debits. Improvement the transference of money

4 Technological Changes to Production / operations: CAD / CAM / CIM
Computer Aided Design - Enhances design of products - Easily allows modifications of designs and products – Prototypes can be put through simulations Computer Aided Manufacture - Enables a product to be designed on the screen and manufactured through the computerised system Computer Integrated Manufacturing - This combines CAD & CAM. Enables increased efficiency of the production process. - Production can quickly be stopped and started - Production can be modified. Advances in manufacturing and production – 3D printing

5 Global Connectivity Use of internet has become a social movement – utility – ‘ a human need’ Increased communications for isolated communities to allow access to worldwide markets. Changed business working practices – employment hours / ‘business 24/7’ Consumers not restricted to one local marketplace or opening hours

6 Social networking Social Networking Increased marketing profiling
Cheap marketing Access to consumers in their home environment Access to customers friends and family – networks Data Mining – the ability to track interactions and patterns of consumers and identify trends allows decisions to be made that are individually customer focused

7 Business responses The adoption of technology has changed the way business operates - disruptive technology Creates innovation and progression in industry achieving efficiency and productivity. Technology creating new industries – sunrise industries Technology leading to the collapse of traditional industries and jobs – sunset industries

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