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“Learning development”

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1 “Learning development”
A cooperation project Primary Basic School with Pre-primary and Nursery of Nazaré Regional Inspectorate of Education, Madeira

2 Introduction Implementation of Regional Inspectorate of Education (IRE) project - "Learning Development“; By an IRE team (Dr. João Fernandes, Dr. Paula Sardinha and Dr. José Rodrigues); Main objective "... To induce the adoption of best practices of organization and operation ..."; "... guiding practices for the development of student learning.“ Primary School with Pre-primary and Nursery of Nazaré was the pilot school for the implementation of this project.

3 General description The presentation is divided into three parts: a) Characterization of the school, its values and mission that intends to fulfill as an actor of the educational process; b) Implementation of the project in partnership with IRE; c) Benefits of cooperative work for the evolution of school action;

4 Characterization of the school
Historical review Has its origins in the old primary school of Nazaré founded in the middle of the 60's; In 1997 it started to operate under the Full Time School (ETI) regime, occupying the present facilities; (Educational offer – Pré-primary and primary levels) In 2016 it merges with the Carrocel and Girassol Nurseries. (Educational offer - Nursery, Pré-primary and primary levels) Receives the designation of Basic School of the 1st Cycle with Preschool and Nursery of Nazaré.

5 Physical Characterization
Consisting of 3 buildings: Main building – (inserir imagem) Carrocel Building – (inserir imagem) Girassol Building – (inserir imagem) Classrooms Other spaces Outdoor spaces Canteens Kitchen Main building 18 14 4 1 Carrocel Building 8 11 3 Girassol Building 12 2 Totals 34 37 9

6 Human Characterization
Teaching staff GR Description 100 Child Care Educators 34 100 EE Child Care Educators - Special Education 3 110 Teachers of the primary levels 27 110 EE Teachers of the primary levels- Special Education 2 120 English 140 Plastic Expression 150 Musical and Dramatic Expression 160 Physical Education + Swimming Totais 75

7 Human Characterization
Non-Teaching Staff Number Functions Senior Technician 3 Administrative (1); Senior Library Technician(2) Tecnical assistent Administrative Operational Assistant 31 Support and general services Socio-educational action of pre-school education 36 Classroom support (Nursery and Pre-school)) Totals 73

8 Human Characterization
Children and Students Nursery Preschool 1st Cycle Totals Classrooms 9 7 12 28 Children / Students 119 151 235 505

9 Mission, Vision and Values
To favor the formation and overall development of the child / student with a view to their full insertion in society as a self-contained, free and supportive being.   Vision We aim to be a public education / reference institution in the community for the quality of pedagogical practices and the training of citizens with a critical and creative democratic spirit. Values In defending an education that values the integral formation of children / students, it is intended that the school promote human, ethical and democratic values and respect the individuality of all (responsibility, tolerance, respect, solidarity, cooperation , equity and friendship, among others). 

Educational Offer EDUCATIONAL SCHOOL PROJECT "School in Values: to know more, to be better and to live happily" Annual activity plan Educational and Curricular Activities Nursery and Preschool 1st Cycle Curricular Enrichment Activities Other activities Cultural and Recreational Training Activities Other Pedagogical Projects

11 Information Technology Musical and Dramatic Expression
Educational Offer – Enrichment Activities and Projects Curricular Enrichment Activities Study Library Information Technology Physical Education Musical and Dramatic Expression English Eco Clubs Swimming Plastic expression Eco School GPS - Manage and Enhance Student Success Education for Safety and Risk Prevention

12 Implementation of Regional Inspection of Education project
“Learning Development” Main Objectives 1. Contribute to the improvement of teaching practices; 2. To know how the school plans, implements and evaluates learning; 3. Monitor the development and effects of the measures implemented; 4. To induce the adoption of devices for monitoring and self-assessment; Specific objectives 1. To appreciate the planning of the learning of the school; 2. To know the articulation between evaluation of the learning and the measures implemented for the improvement; 3. Stimulate practices of reflection on the planning and results obtained.

13 Phases and duration of project implementation
First Intervention Synthesis report on intervention School Improvement Plan Follow-up of the project Final Intervention Final report 2 years

14 Phases description Synthesis report on intervention
Consultation and analysis of school guidance documents First Intervention Most accomplished aspects and those that lacked improvement Synthesis report on intervention Measures to be implemented in areas that need improvement School Improvement Plan Follow-up on the implementation of the improvement plan Follow-up of the project Know and analyze the improvement measures implemented Final Intervention Final conclusions Final report

15 Benefits of cooperative work for the evolution of school action
Intervention and critical analysis made to the guidance documents Providing readjustments and innovation in approaches Exchange of views and opinions on school organization Proposals for improvements from an impartial external view External vision more incisive and devoid of established procedures

16 School Organization Cycle – for the next 4 Years
Learning Development Project Final Report of the intervention Guide for the construction of new guiding documents Evaluation of the Educational Project Annual Plan Evaluation of Activities Analysis of the results obtained School self-assessment New Guidance Documents

17 Final Reflection "In the reflection of the results we try to implement projects and adaptations in each school year. The integration of the school into specific projects, the establishment of a more varied educational offer and the implementation of internal projects, allow the establishment of an environment in which learning can be developed. "

18 Inserir imagem da escola
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19 Educational Offer

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