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Coping with variability

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1 Coping with variability
Integrating renewables into the electricity system Session 1. Variable Renewables and the grid 10.30 a.m. Chair: Godfrey Boyle(OU) 10.35 Overview: Michael Loughton (Imperial/QMC) 10.55 David Milborrow (Consultant) Wind power on the grid 11.15 Graham Sinden (ECI) Putting it all together 11.35 Discussant: Goran Strbac (Manchester) Brief questions 12.00 UKERC Intermittency review Robert Gross / Dennis Anderson (TPA/Imperial) 12.20 Computer Models of Integrated systems Mark Barrett (Consultant) 12.40 Discussion 1.00pm Lunch Session 2: Flexible Hardware Chair: Dave Elliott (OU) 2.00 Overview: Fred Starr (Institute of Energy, Netherlands) Flexibility Issues in Advanced Generating Plant 2.20 David Andrews (Wessex Water) The role of gas and diesel engines as flexible generation 2.40 Dave Toke ( DESIRE project ) CHP and wind in Denmark. 3.00: Discussant: Bob Everett 3.15 Discussion 3.30 Tea Session 3: Operational Innovations Chair: Godfrey Boyle (OU) Dave Toke Load Management and wind prediction Bob Everett (EERU) Demand flexibility, Micro-CHP & the Informated Grid Tim Foster (SmartestEnergy) Managing Variability Brian Hurley (Airtricity) Offshore wind grids Discussant : Simon Watson (CREST) Discussion approx. End

2 Follow-up * We will put copies of today’s Power Point presentations, subject to authors’ agreement, on our Web site, * We also hope to produce a DVD version of this Conference; contact EERU for details * There will be a short report on this conference in EERU’s journal Renew, Issue 160, March-April 2006 * You and others will shortly be able to watch a replay of todays live webcast from this conference at:

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