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Walden University Academic Residencies:

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1 Walden University Academic Residencies:
Library Resources and Search Strategies for Doctoral Research PhD Residency 1 San Antonio June 2019 Anne Rojas, MLIS

2 Agenda & Overview Expectations for Doctoral Scholarship
The Walden University Library and its collections Develop search strategies that deliver useable results Evaluating resources Challenges of Online Research Researching Beyond the Library

3 ACRL Framework for Information Literacy
Doctoral Scholarship Research as inquiry Scholarship as conversation Searching as strategic exploration Information has value Authority is constructed and contextual Information creation as a process ACRL Framework for Information Literacy

4 Types of Scholarly Articles
Empirical research articles: sharing an original research study Review articles: can include literature reviews systematic reviews meta-analyses Opinion/Commentary: Not usually Peer-reviewed Other types: Clinical trials, Case studies – may be found in Health Sciences, Business

5 Activity: Anatomy of an Empirical Research Article
Access the example article: “Student Perspectives of Assessment Strategies in Online Courses” In small groups: Identify the features of an empirical research study Consider: How does this differ from other sources you might read? For more information after the session: See the tutorial Anatomy of a Research Article Citation: Bailey, S., Hendricks, S., & Applewhite, S. (2015). Student perspectives of assessment strategies in online courses. Journal Of Interactive Online Learning, 13(3), 112.

6 Keys to Successful Online Research
No single collection or search engine will cover everything. Start in the Library collections and then go beyond. Google Scholar offers wide-coverage – but limited ability to refine searches and no peer-review limiter. Not all articles will be freely available online; know your tools for tracking down the full text.

7 The Walden Library and Its Collections
Find the Library website: Also available through the student portal Explore the resources for your courses in: Course Readings Assignment Resources Find your subject research page and bookmark it.

8 Activity: Explore Your Subject Resources
On the Library website: Look for the Subject Resources box. Select your subject area from the drop-down. Explore the databases listed there. Which may be useful to you? Explore resources under Research help. How might you use these? Note that help is available on the left

9 Database search skills guide
Demo time! I’m looking for articles on teens’ addiction to e-cigs teen* OR youth or adolescent OR adolescence vaping OR e-cig* OR vape I’m looking for articles on standardized testing and how it influences curriculum in elementary schools Standard* test* Curriculum OR content Elementary OR primary Database search skills guide Use of drop-down for abstract and subject searching Date limiters – can use after thorough search to make sure background is understood

10 Putting your search terms together
Boolean Operators: AND, OR and NOT Big Bang Theory NCIS

11 Activity: Find Resources on Your Topic
Too narrow or too broad? Brainstorm search terms Put them together In small groups: Share a research topic of interest. Help each other identify useful search terms and synonyms to build into the search to expand your results. What databases might you use for that search?

12 Research Beyond the Walden Library
Using Google Scholar effectively searches broadly overwhelming number of results to review no peer-review limiter Ulrichs to verify peer review WorldCat to find resources in other libraries Government websites Research and professional organizations Document Delivery Service

13 Questions? See you after lunch!

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