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KX-NS1000 Step by Step Guide Network Survivability

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1 KX-NS1000 Step by Step Guide Network Survivability
March 6, 2014 Panasonic System Networks PBX SE team Specifications are subject to change without notice. 1

2 1. Introduction Back-up is available automatically for SIP trunk incl E1 / PRI adapter, KX-NT/UT IP-phone and one look connection. PRI/E1 or SIP Provider Back-up master PBX works as slave PBX usually. But it works as master PBX after master PBX stops working. Trunk Adaptor KX-NS1000 (2nd) Back-up Master SIP Trunk One-Look AK One-Look AK KX-NS1000 (1st) Master KX-NT KX-UT KX-NT KX-UT PRI/E1 or SIP Provider Trunk Adaptor After master PBX stops working, KX-NS1000 Back-up Master SIP Trunk One-Look AK One-Look AK KX-NS1000 Master KX-NT KX-UT KX-NT KX-UT

3 2. Table of Contents Chapter Explanation 1 Specifications 2
Programming for Back-up Master 3 Programming for Back-up of SIP trunk 4 Programming for Back-up of KX-NT/UT phone 5 Programming for Isolated mode 3

4 Chapter 1 Specifications

5 Alternative Solution for W-CPU W-Power Supply
11. Back-up of SIP trunk and KX-NT/UT Alternative Solution for W-CPU W-Power Supply Back-up is available automatically for SIP trunk incl E1 / PRI adapter and KX-NT/UT IP-phone. IP address of SIP server is pre-programmed to 2nd PBX also for back-up during working. IP address of 1st PBX (Master) and 2nd PBX (Back-up) can be assigned to NT. 1st PBX informs IP address of 2nd PBX to UT during working. PRI/E1 Adapter or SIP Provider Trunk Adaptor SIP Trunk One-Look AK One-Look AK KX-NS1000 (1st) Master KX-NS1000 (2nd) Back-up Master KX-NT KX-UT PRI/E1 or SIP Provider Trunk Adaptor After master PBX stops working, KX-NS1000 Back-up Master SIP Trunk One-Look AK One-Look AK If 2nd PBX cannot communicate with 1st PBX, 2nd PBX starts working for SIP provider. If NT/UT cannot communicate with 1st PBX, NT/UT starts working with 2nd PBX. KX-NS1000 Master KX-NT KX-UT

6 12. Back-up of One-look Back-up is available for One-look network also. One-Look AK One-Look AK KX-NS1000 Slave One-Look AK One-Look AK KX-NS1000 Master KX-NS1000 Back-up Master Back-up is available for Activation Key automatically. It works for 10 days as temporal AK after master PBX stops working. One-Look AK Other AK Temporal AK One-Look AK All AK of 1st PBX is informed to 2nd PBX during working. KX-NS1000 Master KX-NS1000 Back-up Master

7 13. Back-up of Analog CO and AK
Back-up is available for Analog CO by parallel cabling. Telephone Company KX-NS1000 Master KX-NS1000 Back-up Master

8 14. Conditions for Back-up
Conditions - Left message in Built-in VM for Master PBX cannot be transferred to Back-up PBX. It is recommended to use VM to feature always. - IP address of Master PBX and Back-up PBX is not same. So CTI application cannot work automatically. - Max. one Back-up Master can be assigned. - Because one IP phone is registered as two extensions for back-up, Max. 500 IP phones can work with Back-up feature. (Not all 1000) Max. 128 SIP trunk (incl E1/PRI adapter) for Back-up (Not all 256) One-Look AK One-Look AK 301 201 202 KX-NS1000 (1st) Master 101 102 302 KX-NS1000 (2nd) Back-up Master EXT 101 in 1st PBX EXT 301 in 2nd PBX EXT 102 in 1st PBX EXT 302 in 2nd PBX EXT 201 in 2nd PBX EXT 202 in 2nd PBX Ext 3xx in 2nd PBX works as Ext 1xx after master PBX stops working. Walking extension feature works automatically.

9 15. Isolated Mode Slave PBX can work independently in following case. - Both Maser PBX and Back-up Master PBX stop working or communication with both stops working . - Back-up Master PBX was not prepared and Master PBX stop working or communication with Master PBX stops working . IP CH AK in Master PBX IP CH AK in Slave PBX IP CH AK in Master PBX IP CH AK in Slave PBX Master Slave Master Slave Conditions - AK for IP ch in Master PBX is not transferred to slave PBX. - AK for other such as Cellular Link feature is transferred to slave PBX. It works for 10 days as temporal AK after master PBX stops working If extension in slave PBX uses VM mail box in master PBX, VM cannot work. VM in same PBX should be used.

10 16. Return to Normal mode Back-up Master mode or Isolated mode does not finish automatically after communication with master PBX works again. Manual operation is required to Master PBX. This specification does not allow unexpected return before complete trouble shooting of network.

11 17. Other conditions - System data is copied to slave PBX (Back-up Master / Isolated). System data is data which can be programmed by web maintenance console such as speed dial, ARS and so on. - Data in SRAM is not copied to slave PBX (Back-up / Isolated) SMDR / Charge / Error Log / Timed Reminder / Extension Dial Lock / Check-In Check-Out / Clean Up status / Login Logout / Ready Not Ready - When communication between master PBX does not work for 40 seconds (programmable), slave PBX restarts automatically, and Back-up Master mode or Isolated mode starts. - When back-up Master mode or Isolated modes starts, error log can be sent from slave PBX by .

12 Chapter 2 Programming for Back-up Master

13 Programming for Master
Back-up master mode can be assigned when slave unit is added in “Add Site Wizard”. KX-NS1000 Other Slave KX-NS1000 Master KX-NS1000 Back-up Master (Slave) 13

14 Programming for Master
Back-up master mode can be changed to other slave PBX. KX-NS1000 Other Slave KX-NS1000 Master KX-NS1000 Back-up Master (Slave) Note: New back-up master unit will be restarted automatically. 14

15 Programming for Master
Timer can be adjusted. KX-NS1000 Other Slave KX-NS1000 Master KX-NS1000 Back-up Master (Slave) 40s : Slave was communicating with Master. But after no communication for 40s, Slave PBX decides independence and reboot automatically. After reboot (3min), it works independently. 40s can change to 30s. 300s : Slave was working with Master and power-off. When Salve cannot communicate with Master for 300s after power-on again, Slave PBX starts working independently. 15

16 Chapter 3 Programming for Back-up of SIP Trunk incl E1/PRI adapter

17 31. Programming Programming for Slave SIP server registration has to be pre-programmed to slave unit also. “Back-up mode” has to be programmed to work this only when communication between master PBX is disabled. PRI/E1 Adapter or SIP server KX-NS1000 Other Slave Trunk Adaptor TRG 1 for example KX-NS1000 Master KX-NS1000 Back-up Master (Slave) 17

18 Chapter 4 Programming for Back-up of KX-NT / KX-UT Phone

19 EXT 101 in 1st PBX EXT 301 in 2nd PBX
41. Programming Programming for Slave Make extension for “Secondary”. This is dummy extension. Dummy extension number such as 301 should be unused number for real extension now and in future. Virtual IP Extension card for KX-NT Virtual UT Extension card KX-UT KX-NS1000 Other Slave KX-NS1000 Master KX-NS1000 Back-up Master (Slave) EXT 101 in 1st PBX EXT 301 in 2nd PBX 19

20 Programming for Master EXT 101 in 1st PBX EXT 301 in 2nd PBX
Assign the secondary extension to 1st extension. KX-NS1000 Other Slave : : KX-NS1000 Master KX-NS1000 Back-up Master (Slave) EXT 101 in 1st PBX EXT 301 in 2nd PBX 20

21 Programming for Master EXT 101 in 1st PBX EXT 301 in 2nd PBX
Assign 2ndary extension to 1st extension. KX-NS1000 Other Slave : : KX-NS1000 Master KX-NS1000 Back-up Master (Slave) EXT 101 in 1st PBX EXT 301 in 2nd PBX 21

22 44. Confirmation Result can be confirmed as follows. 22

23 EXT 101 in 1st PBX EXT 301 in 2nd PBX
45. Programming Programming for Phone KX-NS1000 Other Slave KX-NS1000 Master KX-NS1000 Back-up Master (Slave) EXT 101 in 1st PBX EXT 301 in 2nd PBX Secondary PBX IP address has to be assigned to KX-NT phone manually. Secondary PBX IP address is informed to KX-UT from master PBX automatically. KX-UT software has to be latest. 23

24 46. Conditions Technically any back-up combination is available. But Master to Back-up Master is recommended because AK for IP channels is transferred from Master to Back-up Master only. Real EXT 105 in Other Slave PBX Dummy EXT 305 in Master PBX KX-NS1000 Other Slave Real EXT 106 in Other Slave PBX Dummy EXT 306 in Back-up Master PBX KX-NS1000 Master KX-NS1000 Back-up Master (Slave) Recommend Real EXT 101 in Master PBX Dummy EXT 301 in Back-up Master PBX Real EXT 103 in Back-up Master PBX Dummy EXT 303 in Other Slave PBX Real EXT 102 in Master PBX Dummy EXT 302 in Other Slave PBX Real EXT 104 in Back-up Master PBX Dummy EXT 304 in Master PBX 24

25 Chapter 5 Programming for Isolated mode

26 51. Programming Isolated mode has to be enabled. (Default is disable.)
Programming for Slave Isolated mode has to be enabled. (Default is disable.) KX-NS1000 Other Slave KX-NS1000 Master KX-NS1000 Back-up Master (Slave) 26

27 Thank you !

28 Revision Date No. Change Oct 15 - First edition Mar 6 23 (Page 15)
Picture was revised. 42 to 45 (Page 20 to 23) Explanation was revised. 28

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