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Storytelling in primary care….

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Presentation on theme: "Storytelling in primary care…."— Presentation transcript:

1 Storytelling in primary care….
The why, who & what of doing what we do

2 Why do you do what you do…..

3 “If speaking is silver, then listening is gold.” – Turkish Proverb
Empathy Empathy is a quality of character that can change the world.” – Barack Obama We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak. – Epictetus “If speaking is silver, then listening is gold.” –  Turkish Proverb “I think we all have empathy. We may not have enough courage to display it.” – Maya Angelou

4 Workflow Workflow in Wales since 2016 Workflow in all 7 Health Boards
Workflow has touched the lives of over 1.2 million people across Wales Workflow can direct up to 80% of correspondence away from a GP Workflow can save around 40 minutes of FTE GP time a day There are 64 Primary Care Clusters in Wales, 17 of which have implemented Workflow with all their constituent practices. A further 23 clusters have some, but not all, their practices participating in the programme. There are 24 clusters that have not implemented Workflow with any of their practices to date.

5 Improvement in GP well-being Administrators feeling invested in
Beyond the headlines – the behind the scenes story of Workflow Improvement in GP well-being Administrators feeling invested in Administrators feeling upskilled Better quality of patient record GP time freed up Culture and behaviour change in practice

6 Diolch Alison Powell Wales Development Lead

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