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Interactive Poster Board

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Presentation on theme: "Interactive Poster Board"— Presentation transcript:

1 Interactive Poster Board
Thinglink Interactive Poster Board

2 What is Like the physical poster presentation used in class, a digital poster allows students to display images, text and provide a visual reinforcement to concepts being presented.  

3 Why use interactive poster boards?
With an interactive poster board you can accomplish the same purpose of a physical poster, but you could also include a quick video, links to all the sources, and allow others to quickly add, comment, or share the posters with many people quickly. 

4 Thinglink Thinglink allows you to create interactive images. This feature is useful for providing additional information about an image on the image itself rather than having to create a separate document with links for students to browse. 

5 Tips Use a high quality photo Keep descriptions short
Create descriptions that add details to the “story” of the picture. (It’s like when you show someone a picture and then you are explaining it to them- do that with Thinglink.) It’s good to have a “Start Here” icon. 

6 Example

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