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Chapter 1: The mystery of the church in salvation history

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1 Chapter 1: The mystery of the church in salvation history
Lesson 2 The meaning of Church

2 The church’s one foundation
What does the song say about the roots of the Church?

3 review What challenge/mission did Jesus issue his followers before he returned to the Father? (3) Preach, Baptize, Follow the path of Christ. How has the C.C. been able to accept and live up to the challenge for over two millennia? Due to the promised and continued presence of JC with the church.

4 Scripture connections
Exodus 2:23-24  23 During that long period, the king of Egypt died. The Israelites groaned in their slavery and cried out, and their cry for help because of their slavery went up to God. 24 God heard their groaning and he remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac and with Jacob. Exodus 3-12 (summary) Moses birth, escape, call from God, persuading the Pharaoh, the plagues (water turning to blood, frogs, lice, flies, livestock pestilence, boils, hail, locusts, darkness and the killing of firstborn children), the passover. Exodus 15-20, 24 (summary) The Red Sea crossing, a 40 year walk and the 10 commandments. The Story of Israel… is our story too. Agree or disagree?

5 Lumen gentium project Remember the Lumen Gentium Project?
Let’s see what you gathered. Share 1 important statement about the Church found in the Lumen Gentium. Explain why it was important to you. Agree or disagree and why?

6 Interview In class I will assign each of you a partner.
You will have 10 minutes to interview your partner and write a brief description. (heading) Start with vague points and end with more specific points. Switch! Now your partner will interview you. We will present these interviews in class. You will turn in your work through Moodle. Written part = 10 pts and Oral Presentation = 10 pts

7 Interview conclusion Did the descriptions completely describe each student? No matter how hard we try, we can never completely capture a person in words. The same occurs with the Church. Church descriptions can never completely describe its complexity and beauty.

8 The meaning of church project
Choose a partner. Create a PP with Images/Symbols that come to mind when you think of Church. it to me. Title is Church Collage/Last names. Write the heading in the (not the PP). All collages will be shown in class. 15 points So… What is Church? Let’s share your homework interviews results. What do you think is the meaning of Church?

9 Church is… Etimologically, Church is derived from the Greek Kyriake, meaning “belonging to the Lord”. In the romance languages, Church translates the Greek Ekklesia and the q_h_l in Hebrew, meaning “those called out”, a convocation or assembly. “The Chosen People”: Called to preach that J.C. is the Lord. We are an assembly of believers called by Christ to live: A sacramental life A life of fellowship and service.

10 Homework #2 Handout The church -assembly required-
Find out more about your Church Assembly. 15 points Make every effort to attend Church. If you are not Catholic, answer the questions that apply to your specific services. If you were not able to make it to Church, this grade WILL NOT count against you.

11 The meaning of church page 15
A Community of Catholics who assemble to worship. A local gathering of Catholics, a fellowship of believers in Christ. The universal community of those who believe in J.C. Let’s compare these to the meanings illustrated in collages and interviews.

12 12 images of church page 16 1. Mystery 2. Sacrament of J.C. 3. People of God 4. Body of Christ 5. Temple of the H.S. 6. Our Mother 7. Bride of Christ 8. Christ’s flock 9. Cultivated field 10. Building of God 11. Pilgrim 12. Christ’s vineyard.

13 In class project Choose a partner. Write the heading (both names).
Handwritten or Typed. I will assign you an Image of the Church. You will create a bumper sticker or slogan that illustrates and illuminates its assigned image. You will share and explain your creation to the class. Creation = 10 points and Presentation = 10 points

14 Church as mystery Mystery? Problem?
We can’t solve it. The more we know… For example: 1960’s President Kennedy and the moon. Do any other mysteries come to mind? Life

15 Church as mystery During the 2nd Vatican Council, Pope Paul VI said: “The church is a mystery. It is a reality imbued with the hidden presence of God”. The mystery of God is too vast, deep for us. God revealed his love by communicating in word and deed, the eternal destiny that waits us. Most clearly in J.C. God in the flesh. Any religion small enough for the mind, too small for the heart. Mind alone can’t know God, only love has the reach.

16 Church as mystery St. Augustine added “a visible sign of invisible grace”. Let’s think… Of whose invisible presence is the church a sign? What is one thing you can do to reveal Christ’s presence to another? God continues Christ’s saving work through the C.C.

17 Church as mystery In the church, human and divine come together.
A “communion of saints” referring to the unity among 3 groups of people: Pilgrim Church: US Church Suffering: PURGATORY Church Triumphant: BLESSED IN HEAVEN

18 The church is… Christ’s mystical body. A visible society.
A spiritual community. Earthly Church yet possesses the riches of Heaven.

19 Group project 50 points Learn by Doing. Activity #2. Page 34
Use PowerPoint or Google Slides. Heading. Minimum of 6 slides (1st would be heading) Turn in through Moodle.

20 Homework 15 points Bring a symbol of themselves to class.
Something that says or points to something about you (something important) that we might not know without the symbol.

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