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Chapter 1: The mystery of the church in salvation history

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1 Chapter 1: The mystery of the church in salvation history
Lesson 4 images of the church

2 Review: Remember that a symbol is something that point to an invisible reality. Allows us to transcend time and space to make connections and express things that would otherwise be inexpressible. What does it mean to you when we say that Church is a sacrament? Recall 3 images of church from the last lesson: People of God, Body of Christ and Temple of Holy Spirit.

3 People of god The Covenant: God revealed himself through numerous covenants of love with us. Unlike a contract (which may or may not be binding), a covenant establishes a relationship that endures. The Old Testament is marked by a series of increasingly important covenants between God and Mankind.

4 Group Activity Prepare a PP presentation in order to summarize the passage and its message. DO NOT READ IT. You will present your work to the class. Turn in through Moodle. Heading. PP = 15 points Presentation = 20 points

5 Group activity Group #1 Adam = Genesis 1:26-30 & 3:16-19
#2 Noah = Genesis 8: 21-22 #3 Abraham = Genesis 12:1-3 #4 Moses = Exodus 20:1-17 (19-24) #5 David = 2 Samuel 7:10-16 #6 Jesus = Jeremiah 31:31,33 and Matthew 5:17

6 What did each covenant promise?
Adam/Eve: God will send a redeemer to rescue mankind from sin and its effects. Noah: God will preserve the world and direct it without catastrophic intervention. Abraham: From Abraham, God will fashion a great and numerous people.

7 What did each covenant promise?
Moses: God will be the God of the people. David: Through David and his descendants, God would give the Messiah who would fulfill all God’s promises ad lead the world to blessing. Jesus: Jesus will fulfill the old covenant and create a new covenant between God and His people. In each instance God calls a person… and finds a people. A people of God.

8 Quick review With what people did God establish
covenants in the Old Testament? The Hebrews For what people did Jesus come establishing the new covenant? ALL PEOPLE

9 Church as the body of Christ
1 Corinthians 12:27. St. Paul says: “Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.” Do you belong to any teams, clubs or groups?

10 Church as the temple of the Holy spirit
2 Corinthians 6:16: “For we are the temple of the living God. As God has said: “I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people.” The H.S. shows that Christ is still with us. God’s windy and fiery spirit needs a home among us.

11 What 3 crucial things does the Holy Spirit do for the Church?
It builds up the Church Makes Church members holy. Gives the Church gifts to continue Christ’s work among us.

12 Class Activity 10 pts Charisms
Charisms is the Greek word for gifts. Written activity. Heading. List 10 gifts that god has given to you. Circle those you believe could help you continue Christ’s work among us and explain why for the 3 you consider most important.

13 Even if you think you are ordinary…
The H.S. is relayed through the ordinary, not the spectacular. Examples? The H.S. reminds us that the extraordinary lies within. We must use our gifts for others. Spirit is to be spent.

14 More images of the church
These are other images that describe the purpose and mission of the Church. Herald: Preach the Gospel, announcer of good news in imitation of Jesus. Highlights the word of God. Jesus commanded his followers to preach the Good News.

15 Service: The heart that will attract others to Christ is made visible in a servant Church. NOT OPTIONAL The Church must heal and reconcile, feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, welcome the stranger, clothe the naked, comfort the sick, visit the imprisoned. Following the steps of J.C. “The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and give his life in ransom for many.”

16 Institution: Church must be organized to carry on the works of Jesus. It follows an authority structure with roles and rules. Pope, bishops, priests and deacons sanctify God’s people. Pilgrim: Live life as a journey WITH a destination. Pick up your cross and follow me. Never said it would be easy, but promised it would be worth it.

17 Group project 20 pts images of the C.C.
Devise models or symbols (4 total) that would depict the Church as Herald, Service, Institution and Pilgrim. For example, a newspaper would be a symbol of Herald. Mother Teresa would be a symbol of Service. Make a PP (5 slides, 1st is heading) to show your models or symbols. Turn in through Moodle.

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