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“Video marketing helps me reach buyers in ways my competitors do not.”

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1 “Video marketing helps me reach buyers in ways my competitors do not.”
1. Video finds more buyers. Your home’s story and stats are distributed on high-traffic, video-sharing websites like YouTube (#1 U.S.) and Dailymotion (#1 Europe) where buyers do their research. 2. Video tells a better story. Over 90% of Internet users watch videos. Of buyers ages 35-64, 65% watch videos and 35% share videos with friends and colleagues. People choose video keywords over pictures and words when searching online (see graph below). 3. Video differentiates your house. Less than 8% of real estate agents use video marketing. Video gives you an advantage on real estate websites like and social networks like Facebook. “Hire me because your property will reach more buyers.” Videos That Move Real Estate

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