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Presentation on theme: "Trypanosoma."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trypanosoma

2 What is Trypanosoma? Trypanosoma is a unicellular parasitic flagellate Protozoa. It is an obligate parasite – it cannot live independently of a host – and must have more than one host throughout the course of its life – an insect vector and a mammal host.

3 Trypanosoma Structure
VSG – Variable Surface Glycoprotein – surface coat allows for little detection by the host's immune system Creates a dense, uniform shield Undergoes periodic antigenic cycling – it will basically change the antigens on the surface coat, making it difficult for the body to produce a specific immune response


5 Trypanosoma's Importance to the Population...
Most famously, this protozoan causes two deadly diseases: African Sleeping Sickness in much of mid-Africa, and Chagas in Central and South America.

6 Works Cited

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