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Chapter 6, Section 1 Slavery & Western Expansion

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1 Chapter 6, Section 1 Slavery & Western Expansion
US History Chapter 6, Section 1 Slavery & Western Expansion

2 The Impact of the War With Mexico
New land opened. Should slavery be allowed to spread westward?

3 The Impact of the War With Mexico
The Wilmot Proviso proposed that in any territory the US gained from Mexico, “neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall ever exist.” House of Representatives pass it? Senate pass it? Who spoke against it? Why?

4 The Impact of the War With Mexico
Popular Sovereignty What is it? Pros (2) Con

5 The Impact of the War With Mexico
The Free-Soil Party: Election Year: Candidates: 1. 2. 3.

6 Congress Struggles for a Compromise
California Gold Rush of 1849 Statehood

7 Congress Struggles for a Compromise
80,000 “Forty-Niners” Chaos & Violence Needed a strong ____________________ Applied to the Union as a __________________________________

8 Congress Struggles for a Compromise
The Debate Begins Who came up with 8 resolutions? What was his nickname? Who upheld the South’s rights? Who pleaded for national unity? Free States Slave States

9 Congress Struggles for a Compromise
The Compromise of 1850 President ____________ died. __________________ became president. Senator ______________ died. Senator ______________ retired. Senator ______________ was exhausted. ________________________ divided the compromise into smaller parts which each passed individually.

10 The Fugitive Slave Act Component of the Compromise of 1850
Capture of ________________________ The accused had no _________________________________ Ordinary citizens had to help capture runaway slaves Abolitionist _______________ would speak against it 1849 Henry David Thoreau essay __________________________________

11 The Fugitive Slave Act The Underground Railroad Uncle Tom’s Cabin
The most famous conductor: Uncle Tom’s Cabin Author:

12 New Territorial Troubles
1852 Election President ____________________________ A Transcontinental Railroad 1850’s Agreement in the senate: Disagreement in the senate: The Kansas-Nebraska Act __________ Increased tensions because it went against the Missouri Compromise Nebraska: __________ state Kansas: __________ state

13 New Territorial Troubles
Bleeding Kansas Kansas became the scene of a territorail civil war between _________________________ and ___________________ settlers. The Caning of Charles Sumner Caned by Representative Preston Brooks Strengthened the abolitionists’ determination to resist the “________________________”.

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