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Week 12 jur, jus, jud= LAW.

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1 Week 12 jur, jus, jud= LAW

2 Week 12 Abjure Interpret Justice Jury Jurist Judge Perjury
Jur, jud, jus = Law Abjure Interpret Justice Jury Jurist Judge Perjury Justification Exemplify Just

3 Judge (n) A person chosen to interpret laws, decide on a winner, or settle an argument. The judge took a short amount of time to render a decision on the case.

4 Jury (n) A group of people sworn to abide by the law to determine the truth. Jury service is one of the most important civic duties you can perform

5 Jurist (n) An expert in law. Judges shall be distinguished jurists.

6 Just (adj) fair All of the groups involved agreed that the decision was a just one.

7 Justice (n) Fair treatment
A mother seeks justice for her abducted child.

8 Abjure (v) To give up rights/beliefs
Although cheeseburgers and fries are Ms. Paris’ favorite meal, she has chosen to abjure from them while on her diet.

9 Justification (n) To provide evidence that something is true.
There is no justification for your actions young man.

10 Perjury (n) Breaking the law by lying.
You can go to prison for perjury, so do not lie under oath.

11 Academic Words

12 Accentuate (v) Make it stand out so its easier to see
I accentuated my writing by making it bold so that it would stand out.

13 Adapt (v) Change something so you can use it differently
My headphones are old so I adapted, so I could still use them by adding a special plug.

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