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Abhijit Mondal Sumitro Bhaumik Bishakh Ghosh

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1 CS 60038: Advances in Operating Systems Design Lecture 1: Course Introduction

2 Abhijit Mondal Sumitro Bhaumik Bishakh Ghosh
Teaching Assistants Abhijit Mondal Office: Systems and Mobile Research Lab Sumitro Bhaumik Office: Systems and Mobile Research Lab Bishakh Ghosh Office: Research Scholar Lab (Annex)

3 Pre-requisite for this course
Undergraduate Operating System Concepts Process and Threads Process life cycle Process Scheduling Process Synchronization (Semaphores) Memory Management (Memory mapping) Virtual Memory Management (Page tables, Demand Paging) File Systems, IO Systems An Assignment 0 has been posted in the course website to recap the core of the above concepts. Please solve them individually and independently.

4 What We’ll Cover In This Course
Topic 1: OS Design  The UNIX Timesharing System ( Exokernel ( Linux Kernel Architecture Process Management and Scheduling Memory management and virtual process memory  Interrupts Threading, Hyperthreading  Some recent research works on OS Design  Drowsy power management, SOSP 2015 Light-Weight Contexts: An OS Abstraction for Safety and Performance, OSDI 2016 HawkEye: Efficient Fine-grained OS Support for Huge Pages, ASPLOS 2019

5 What We’ll Cover In This Course
Topic 2: Virtualization  Xen and Art of Virtualization ( Memory Management in Virtualization (Example: VMWare) - Lightweight virtualization - Container Virtualization  Some recent research works on virtualization  My VM is Lighter (and Safer) than your Container, SOSP 2017 NEVE: Nested Virtualization Extensions for ARM, SOSP 2017

6 What We’ll Cover In This Course
Topic 3: File System  Unix File System - Log Structured File System - Networked File System (NFS) - Data Center File System (Google File System) - sosp2003.pdf Some recent researches on file systems Strata: A Cross Media File System, SOSP 2017 Pocket: Elastic Ephemeral Storage for Serverless Analytics, OSDI 2018

7 What We’ll Cover In This Course
Topic 4: Some More Advanced and Recent Topics Trusted Execution Environments, ARM TrustZone System aspects of Blockchain -- Distributed Consensus  Automated Log Analysis  Machine learning on System Research  More Research Papers SeClaok: ARM Trustzone-based Mobile Peripheral Control, MobiSys 2018 Canopy: An End-to-End Performance Tracing And Analysis System, SOSP 2017 XFT: Practical Fault Tolerance beyond Crashes, OSDI 2016

8 Recent research papers from top OS conferences and journals
Reading Materials "Professional Linux Kernel Architecture", Wolfgang Mauerer OOKS/ProfessionalLinuxKernelArchitecture-WolfgangMauerer.pdf Recent research papers from top OS conferences and journals ACM Symposiums on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP) Usenix Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI) Architecture Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS) ACM Transactions on Computer Systems ACM Transactions on Storage Relevant materials will be published in the course website periodically

9 What You Can Expect from the Course
In-depth knowledge of the very recent topics in the design of modern operating systems Virtualization technologies Distributed storage architecture (Ex. Google File System) Blockchain based system developments Embedded system concepts (ARM TrustZone) Hands-on experience of various system platforms Kernel compiling and debugging Handling hypervisors for VM setup and optimization Container management - Kubernetes Blockchain management -- Hyperledger platform

10 What the Instructor Expects from You
Attending the classes regularly and making the classes interactive Feel free to stop me whenever you have a question in your mind You’ll recap the basic concepts of undergraduate OS course You’ll solve the assignments on time and by your own -- take help of the TAs (also the instructors) if required. Keep on browsing the recent research papers published in conferences like SOSP, OSDI, ASPLOS etc. (Check DBLP) Regularly participate in the term projects (we’ll discuss later in details). Make your hand dirty by exploring the “nasty” codes of Linux Kernel

11 Evaluation and Grading
Mid Semester: 25% End Semester: 35% Term Project (TP): 25% Assignments: 15% Mid and end semester examinations will contain conceptual questions. You may score very high just by Participating in the classes Solving the assignments Expected course load per week -- 3 hours (Classes) + 1 hour (Assignments) + 1 hour (Reading) + 3 hours (TP) + 1 hour (Meeting with the mentor for TP)

12 Every team will be assigned a topic and a mentor
Term Projects We’ll form some teams -- number of team members will be decided based on the number of students registered in the course Every team will be assigned a topic and a mentor The topics are broadly some parts of the current system researches we are doing at our lab Remote memory management Container state management Exploring Trusted Execution Environments (TEE) OS state management at distributed environments Blockchain based system management

13 Term Projects The objective will be to get a hands-on experience of recent system researches Meet weekly with your mentor to discuss about the project The team will divide the tasks among the team members, every member of the team is expected to contribute in the project -- this is crucial for evaluation If you work regularly and mark significant contribution at the project, you can expect a research paper out of it at some good system conference.

14 To Start With ... How to Read a Paper - How (and How Not) to Write a Good Systems Paper - _paper.html

15 Use a three-pass approach First Pass (Quick Scan):
How to Read a Paper Use a three-pass approach First Pass (Quick Scan): Read title, abstract, introduction Read the section and sub-section headings ignoring details Read conclusion Check the references Get a view of the category, context, contribution and clarity of the paper

16 Take down notes whenever necessary
How to Read a Paper Second Pass: Check the figures, diagrams etc. Check the unread references from the paper -- good way to know the background (only give the first pass) Third Pass: Give attention to the detailed content of the paper Take down notes whenever necessary Try to judge the paper critically -- you can even get new nice ideas (you can pass these ideas to me, will be happy to discuss and follow up) Why do you think that the paper got accepted? Try to write a review of the paper (some of these will be your assignment  )

17 Some Fundamentals - Process Management
Consider a single-processor system. The process scheduler schedules the processes in a multi-tasking environment. How is this process scheduler implemented? Is it a software or a hardware? Who schedules the process scheduler?

18 Some Fundamentals - Memory Management
What is a virtual memory? What is the basic philosophy behind the design of virtual memory principles?


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