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English for Public Administration II

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1 English for Public Administration II

2 General info Lecturer: Dr. sc. Marijana Javornik Čubrić
Classes: Wednesday 9:00 – 10:30 Office hours: Wednesday 10:30 – 11:30, Gundulićeva 10, Room No. 6 Contact:

3 Course materials M. Javornik Čubrić, L. Sočanac, English for Public Administration , Narodne novine, 2018. Module II – Organization of government Units 7-12

4 Topics Types of Political Systems
Branches of Government: the Legislature The Executive The Judiciary Law Enforcement: the Police International Relations and Diplomacy

5 Course outline February 27 Introduction
March 6 Types of Political Systems March 13 The Legislative Branch March 20 The Executive Branch: Government and Administration March 27 What Type of Government Does the UK Have? April 3 The Judicial Branch April 17 Judicial Power in the Republic of Croatia April 24 Law Enforcement: the Police May 8 International Law and Diplomacy May 15 Revision; sample test May 22 Mid-term examination May 29 Presentations and signatures

6 Presentations NOT obligatory, but recommended
Substitute for the oral part of the examination (a part of the final grade)

7 Guidelines for presentations
Suggested duration: minutes Presenters: 1-3 Sources: at least 3 different sources to be used; one written, two can be from the Internet Draft to be sent a week in advance No reading; only notes Try not to include too many pictures or long sentences Questions and discussion or group work

8 Suggested topics Types of Government with examples – present a political system of a country Monarchies in the EU Main political parties in the UK, RC and USA and their leaders An important Act of Parliament Important decisions of the Constitutional Courtsof the RC or the Supreme Court of the UK The role of diplomacy International organizations

9 Teaching materials Available at: Predmet/course:
Engleski jezik upravne struke II

10 Attendance Strongly recommended
Required for taking mid-term examination (3 absences allowed)

11 Examination Written part – translation of relevant terminology (Croatian-English and English-Croatian), basic definitions, translation of short relevant texts Oral part – presenting a topic using relevant vocabulary OR a presentation

12 Any questions?

13 Thank you for your attention!

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