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Volume 2, Issue 3, Pages (September 2012)

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1 Volume 2, Issue 3, Pages 462-469 (September 2012)
Repression of Transcription by WT1-BASP1 Requires the Myristoylation of BASP1 and the PIP2-Dependent Recruitment of Histone Deacetylase  Eneda Toska, Hayley A. Campbell, Jayasha Shandilya, Sarah J. Goodfellow, Paul Shore, Kathryn F. Medler, Stefan G.E. Roberts  Cell Reports  Volume 2, Issue 3, Pages (September 2012) DOI: /j.celrep Copyright © 2012 The Authors Terms and Conditions

2 Cell Reports 2012 2, 462-469DOI: (10.1016/j.celrep.2012.08.005)
Copyright © 2012 The Authors Terms and Conditions

3 Figure 1 The Myristoylation of BASP1 Is Required for Its Transcriptional Repressor Activity (A) Schematic of BASP1. The N-terminal 20 residues and myristoylated G2 are shown below, and the PKC site at S6, and NLS and PEST sequences are indicated. pCDNA3 alone or driving the expression of wild-type BASP1, BASP1 G2A, or BASP1 S6D were transfected into M15 cells, and 48 hr later the nuclear (N) and cytoplasmic (C) fractions were immunoblotted with the antibodies indicated. Lamin and β-tubulin are nuclear and cytoplasmic controls. M, myristoylation site; NLS, nuclear localization sequence; P, phosphorylation site; S, sumoylation site. (B) M15 cells (top) or U2OS cells (bottom) were transfected as in (A), and ChIP was performed with anti-BASP1 antibodies or control IgG. Primers to amplify the WT1-binding regions of the JunB and Cyclin E promoters were used in quantitative PCR (qPCR) to determine fold enrichment relative to a noncoding region. Error bars are the standard deviation from the mean (SDM) of three independent experiments. (C) M15 cells (top) or U2OS cells (bottom) were transfected as in (A) and 48 hr later, RNA and cDNA were prepared. qPCR was performed to detect GAPDH, JunB, and Cyclin E mRNA. The data are presented relative to GAPDH mRNA and error bars denote the SDM of three independent experiments. (D) M15 cells were transfected with pCDNA3 or pCDNA3 driving expression of BASP1 along with control, NMT1, or NMT2 siRNA. cDNA was prepared 48 hr later, and qPCR was performed to detect GAPDH, Cyclin E, and JunB mRNA. The graphs represent Cyclin E (top) and JunB (bottom) expression relative to GAPDH (error bars are the SDM of three independent experiments). Below, simultaneously prepared whole-cell extracts were immunoblotted with the antibodies indicated. See also Figure S1. Cell Reports 2012 2, DOI: ( /j.celrep ) Copyright © 2012 The Authors Terms and Conditions

4 Figure 2 BASP1 Associates with Nuclear PIP2
(A) U2OS cells were subjected to coimmunofluorescence with rabbit BASP1 antibodies and mouse PIP2 antibodies. Control anti-mouse (m) and anti-rabbit (r) antibodies are shown in the bottom row. (B) As in (A) except that confocal microscopy was used to visualize nuclear BASP1 and PIP2. (C) U2OS cells were mock-treated or treated with 2 mg/ml neomycin for 24 hr prior to immunofluorescence with either BASP1 or PIP2 antibodies. (D) HeLa nuclear extract was subjected to immunoprecipitation with control IgG or PIP2 antibodies, and the samples were immunoblotted with BASP1 antibodies. (E) HeLa nuclear extract was subjected to immunoprecipitation with control IgG or BASP1 antibodies, and the samples were immunoblotted with BASP1 antibodies or dot-blotted with PIP2 antibodies. (F) Nuclear extract derived from K562 cells stably transfected to express wild-type BASP1 was incubated with control agarose beads or beads containing equal amounts of either PIP2 or PIP3. After the beads were washed, the bound products were subjected to immunoblotting with BASP1 antibodies. I, input nuclear extract. See also Figure S2. Cell Reports 2012 2, DOI: ( /j.celrep ) Copyright © 2012 The Authors Terms and Conditions

5 Figure 3 BASP1 Recruits PIP2 to Promoter-Bound WT1
(A) Vector control K562 cells (V) or K562 cell line derivatives expressing wild-type BASP1 (wt) or the mutant derivatives G2A, S6A, mNLS (K7A:K9A), and S6D were used to prepare cDNA. Expression of the WT1 target genes AREG, Ets-1, VDR, JunB, and the non-WT1 target gene Bax was analyzed in comparison with GAPDH. Error bars are the SDM of three independent experiments; ∗p < 0.05 by Student's t test. Immunoblotting confirmed that the BASP1 derivatives are equivalently expressed. (B) Immunoprecipitation of extracts derived from K562 expressing wild-type BASP1 or BASP1 G2A was performed with BASP1 antibodies, and the immunoprecipitates were either immunoblotted with BASP1 antibodies (above) or dot-blotted with PIP2 antibodies. (C) Nuclear extract derived from K562 cells expressing either wild-type BASP1 or the G2A mutant derivative were incubated with control, PIP2, or PIP3 agarose beads. Stably bound products were subjected to immunoblotting with BASP1 antibodies. (D) ChIP was performed with vector control K562 cells (V) or K562 cells expressing wild-type BASP1 or the mutant BASP1 derivative G2A with control IgG, WT1, BASP1, and PIP2 antibodies. The data are presented as fold enrichment at the AREG, Ets-1, VDR, and JunB promoter regions compared with a control genome region. Error bars are the SDM of three independent experiments; ∗p < 0.05 by Student's t test. (E) Vector control K562 cells (V) or K562 cells expressing either wild-type BASP1 (wt BASP1) or the mutant derivatives G2A were mock-treated (Ctrl) or treated with 100 nM PMA and imaged 72 hr later. Below, quantitation of the percentage of arborized cells is shown (error bars are the SDM of three independent experiments; ∗p < 0.05 by Student's t test). Cell Reports 2012 2, DOI: ( /j.celrep ) Copyright © 2012 The Authors Terms and Conditions

6 Figure 4 Myristoylated BASP1 Recruits Functional HDAC1 to the Promoter
(A) BASP1 antibodies or control IgG were used in immunoprecipitation with HeLa nuclear extracts and subjected to histone deacetylase assay. Error bars are the SDM of three independent experiments; ∗p < 0.05 by Student's t test. (B) BASP1 was immunoprecipitated as in (A) and immunoblotted with the HDAC antibodies indicated. (C) BASP1 was immunoprecipitated from K562 cells expressing wild-type BASP1 or BASP1 G2A, and the samples were immunoblotted with BASP1 (top) or HDAC1 antibodies. α-IgG are control antibodies. (D) As in (C) except that anti-WT1 antibodies were used for immunoprecipitation, and HDAC1 and BASP1 were detected by immunoblotting (above) or anti-CapZ antibodies were used for immunoprecipitation followed by immunoblotting with BASP1 antibodies. (E) Nuclear extracts derived from K562 cell expressing either wild-type BASP1 or BASP1 G2A were incubated with control agarose beads or beads containing PIP2. The bound fraction was immunoblotted with the antibodies indicated. (F) ChIP was performed with vector control K562 cells or K562 cells expressing wild-type BASP1 (wt BASP1) or the mutant BASP1 derivative G2A with control IgG, HDAC1, or acetyl H3K9 antibodies. The data are presented as fold enrichment at the AREG, Ets-1, VDR, and JunB promoter regions compared with a control genome region. Error bars are the SDM of three independent experiments; ∗p < 0.05 by Student's t test. Cell Reports 2012 2, DOI: ( /j.celrep ) Copyright © 2012 The Authors Terms and Conditions

7 Figure S1 Endogenous WT1 and BASP1 Interact in U2OS Cells, Related to Figure 1 Nuclear extract prepared from U2OS cells was subjected to immunoprecipitation with control IgG or anti-BASP1 antibodies, and the samples were immunoblotted with anti-WT1 antibodies. Cell Reports 2012 2, DOI: ( /j.celrep ) Copyright © 2012 The Authors Terms and Conditions

8 Figure S2 BASP1 Associates with Nuclear PIP2 in MCF7 Cells, Related to Figure 2 (A) MCF7 cells were subjected to coimmunofluorescence with rabbit BASP1 antibodies and mouse PIP2 antibodies. Control immunofluorescence with anti-mouse (m) and anti-rabbit (r) antibodies are shown in the bottom row. (B) As in (A) except that confocal microscopy was used to visualize nuclear BASP1 and PIP2. (C) MCF7 cells were mock-treated or treated with 2 mg/ml neomycin for 24 hr prior to immunofluorescence with either BASP1 or PIP2 antibodies. Cell Reports 2012 2, DOI: ( /j.celrep ) Copyright © 2012 The Authors Terms and Conditions

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