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Surah Al-Takathur In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful

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2 Surah Al-Takathur In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful
Rivalry in worldly increase distracts you Until you visit the graves. No! You shall soon know, Again, No! You shall soon know. No! Were you to know with the knowledge of certainty (you would beware!) You will certainly see the blazing fire, Again, you will surely see it with certainty of sight! Then, on that Day you will surely be questioned about the joy (you indulged in).

3 Lessons from Surah Al-Takathur
We have to realize that we are distracted by the act of boastful in our daily lives. Ungrateful and negligence of the remembrance to Allah s.w.t. is one of the reason people forget the truth about the Day of Judgement. The life of the world when measured by the size of the world, then it will be seen and perceived as a very great life, but when measured by the size of Hereafter, then it looks nothing. Any possession in this world would be questioned in the Hereafter.

4 Reason Behind The Revelation
Ibnu Hatim obtained from Ibnu Buraidah who narrated that ayah 1-2 were revealed regarding two Ansar groups, Harisah and Haris who always boasted among themselves about their wealth and ancestry. They always asked, "Which of you warriors are as brave and competent as so and so?" They kept boasting about the status and wealth of those who are still live. They also kept calling others to visit the graves showing their warriors who have passed on. Thus ayah 1-2 were revealed as a warning to those who kept glorifying themselves that they neglected their worship to Allah s.w.t.

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