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Welcome back! Warm-Up Activity

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1 Welcome back! Warm-Up Activity
“Stereotypes are devices for saving a biased person the trouble of learning.” - Anonymous On a sheet of notebook paper, write a paragraph (4+ sentences!) response to the quote above. *If you do not know a word, use a dictionary from the reference shelf to look it up! Partner share!

2 AGENDA Warm-Up Collect Student Forms, etc.
Review Class Rules/Procedures Symbols of Texas Stereotypes of Texas Homework (study partner) 10 minutes- Warm-up/HW/Attendance 2 minutes- class rules 5-7 minutes 20 minutes- symbols 25 minutes 7 minutes- clean up, study partners, and homework

3 Let Longhorn Pride be your guide!
Class Rules Let Longhorn Pride be your guide! Even birthday months vs. odd birthday months

4 Symbols A symbol is an object, picture, written word, sound, piece of music, or particular mark that represents something else. It can stand for a word, an idea, a concept, or a place. Examples: is the symbol for CAUTION! Our national anthem is a symbol of the U.S.A. On your warm up notebook paper, take notes.

5 Symbols What are some symbols you can think of that represent Texas? Pull up screen! Brainstorm symbols as a class and have them write/draw them on white board. Pass out “Official Symbols of Texas” sheet to each student.

6 Symbols At my instruction, pair up with a classmate.
Pick any symbol from the Official Symbols of Texas list and answer the following questions together in complete sentences on your notebook paper: Why is your symbol used to officially represent Texas? How is your symbol “culturally and historically important” to Texas? (Texas Legislature, 1991) Does your symbol represent all of Texas, or just a part of it? Describe which parts of Texas it applies to (if not all of it). Is your symbol unique to Texas?

7 Stereotype Webster’s definition: a generalized mental picture of a person or group of persons that represents an oversimplified opinion, prejudiced attitude, or uncritical judgment. When we stereotype a group of people, we depict all of the individuals within that group as having the same characteristics. What are some examples of stereotypes? Write examples on board! (blondes are all dumb, asian people are ALL smart, athletes are all stupid, etc.)

8 Stereotypes Why do we stereotype? Is it helpful or necessary?
What are some emotions involved in stereotyping? What role does stereotyping play in history? Brainstorm some common stereotypes of Texas or Texans (write them under your question answers). Sometimes it is necessary when talking about a group of people. Stereotyping is dangerous to history because it misrepresents people by grouping them all together.

9 What Texas Is…Is Not On your paper, brainstorm some ideas of what 21st century Texas IS, and what present day Texas IS NOT (based on a common stereotype). Fold the paper I give you widthwise (hamburger style). Label the top half “What Texas Is…” and the bottom half, “What Texas Is Not”. Draw a picture/scene to represent your ideas of what Texas IS and IS NOT. If necessary, use the colored pencils/markers located on the student materials bookshelf. 5 minutes to brainstorm. Show examples. Finish for homework.

10 What Texas Is/Is Not Rubric
You will be graded on a scale of 1-4: Content: understanding of the term stereotype is present, clear, and correct. Creativity: colorful, stylized, etc. Effort: did you put some obvious time into this assignment? Neatness: no scribbles or eraser marks, straight lines and neat text, etc. is it based on stereotypes of Texas? is it true and relevant? (are your ideas fresh?) (is it legible? Colorful? Etc.) (does it look like you put some thought and time into it?)

11 Closing Activity Re-read the quote from the warm up:
“Stereotypes are devices for saving a biased person the trouble of learning.” - Anonymous On your paper, write a 3-4 sentence conclusion to your thoughts. Has your opinion changed from the beginning? If so, how and if not, why?

12 Homework Due NEXT CLASS: (Friday, 8-27) Last call for these items:
1. SIGNED Parent letter, Syllabus, etc. 2. Texas History textbook 3. Texas History notebook and divider pages Finish “What Texas IS/is NOT” assignment.

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