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EMS/Trauma Registry Update

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1 EMS/Trauma Registry Update
Nov. 12, 2012 GETAC

2 What we will cover today:
Trauma Registry Implementation after Go Live on Sept. 17, 2012 Components Being Built 4th Quarter (Sept. – Dec. 2012) Trauma Registry Enhancement Project 2013

3 Trauma Registry Go Live
Sept. 17, 2012 the Trauma Registry became available for customer use: Upload data file for EMS & Hospitals Web Data Entry for EMS, Hospitals, and Submersion

4 Training 2,721 people attended one or more classes of the 55 training classes conducted by DSHS. 940 Individuals have taken at least one class 592 Entities have at least one person who has taken training 305 Hospital Entities 287 EMS Entities

5 Password Distribution
948 people were sent passwords between Sept. 18 to Nov. 2, 2012 582 Individuals with passwords have not accessed the system 337 Entities for which at least one person has a password but still have not accessed the new system Please Note that every week after GO LIVE we were still sending out passwords that Sanjeeva created (BRAND New users and Authorized Users from the Old System in addition to the dates we initially indicated for our Roll-Out Phase. I went a head and combined the “weekly” created U&P (that Sanjeeva Created) into one large total; Hence the Sept. 18th – Current figure shown above.

6 Utilization of the Trauma Registry
350 people have logged on to the Trauma Registry 217 Hospitals 109 EMS 24 Submersions 358 Entities who used the old system do not have access to the new system due to a lack of training 300 EMS 58 Hospitals

7 Utilization of the Trauma Registry Since Going Live on Sept. 17, 2012
190,959 records have been reported 167,809 EMS records 23,063 Hospital records 87 Submersion records 111 Entities have uploaded a data file 25 EMS 82 Hospitals 132 Entities have used web data entry 45 EMS 87 Hospitals

8 Customer Service Volume
Since Sept. 17, 2012 there have been approximately: 450 customer service s a week 150 customer service phone calls a week Approximately 130 people are pending resolution of their customer service request 95% of customer service requests concern passwords

9 Components Being Built 4th Quarter (Sept. to Dec. 2012)
Weekend Conversion of 2010, 2009 and data Data Conversion completed for 2011 and 2012 Registration Enrollment component for new facility registration Facility Self Registration Portal  and Account Manager Setup Online end-user Training Business Agreement Management

10 Customized Report Development
Custom reports are in the process of being developed for data validation and completeness: Hospital (NTDB) EMS (NEMSIS) Report for each entity by data element % valid data, % unknown data Each entity compared to total completeness for all Hospital or EMS in the TSA

11 Trauma Registry Enhancement Project 2013
Trauma Registry System to be fully compliant with NEMSIS and NTDB as agreed to by the internal and external stakeholders (NEMSIS certified) Import Interfaces (file specifications) Hospital (NTDB) EMS (NEMSIS). NEMSIS data extract (DSHS sends to NEMSIS) NTDB data export (Hospitals send to NTDB)

12 Trauma Registry Enhancement Project 2013 (Continued)
Enhancements for reports and web data entry File specifications for Rehab/LTAC, and emergency department data for TBI/SCI Print templates for submersion patient, EMS patient, hospital trauma patient Customer Service enhancement

13 Questions? Comments

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