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Japanese Stance on Candidates for IWVTA, Phase 2

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1 Japanese Stance on Candidates for IWVTA, Phase 2
Submitted by Japan Document IWVTA-29-05 Japanese Stance on Candidates for IWVTA, Phase 2

2 Japanese Policy on the Examination of Candidates for IWVTA, Phase 2
Japanese Stance - Making U-IWVTA available to as many Contracting Parties as possible is the best way to promote the spread and utilization of IWVTA and eventually to achieve the end goal of IWVTA, i.e. realizing of mutual recognition of type approval for whole vehicle without any additional national requirements or approvals. - IWVTA has become an important tool for CPs to advance the harmonization of vehicle regulations. Including UNRs of low harmonization priority in the candidates of Phase 2 could offset the momentum of international harmonization. - In order to achieve the mutual recognition of U-IWVTA until 2022 (mandate of Phase 2), we should choose UNRs of high harmonization priority as candidates for Phase 2. - To that end, Phase 2 candidates should be UNRs that have been applied by many CPs that are interested in IWVTA and of which the possibility of international harmonization* has been sufficiently examined. * The guideline for GRs issued by the previous session of WP.29, too, requests them to fully consider each regulation’s possibility of international harmonization (WP , WP Rev.1).

3 (Reference) WP.29 Guideline for GRs (WP.29-176-21, WP.29-156-21-Rev.1)
WP (176th WP.29 session, November 2018) GRs are invited to review candidate items for technical regulations applicable to IWVTA Phase 2 in accordance with the procedure shown in Annex 3 and Annex 4 of informal document WP Rev.1. WP Rev.1 (156th WP.29 session, March 2012) General: The Ultimate goal for IWVTA is realize complete mutual recognition of whole vehicle approval without any additional national requirements or approvals remaining. Annex 3: Guideline for GRs to review technical regulations applicable to IWVTA Each GR will proceed with the review of technical regulations keeping the followings in mind: ―Each GR will review the UN Regulations identified at Annex 2 (Responsible GRs for candidate items for technical regulations applicable to IWVTA) of this informal document under its competence, to ensure that each technical requirement in these UN Regulations is a unified, single performance-based requirement. At the same time best efforts should be made to eliminate, or when this is not possible, to minimize differences in requirements due to differences in local characteristics. In case it would appear not possible to eliminate these differences, GRs should flag the issue to WP.29 for consideration.

4 IWVTA Phase 2 Candidates and Japanese Stance Thereon
In order to achieve the mutual recognition of U-IWVTA until 2022 (mandate of Phase 2), we should choose UNRs of high harmonization priority as candidates for Phase 2. GR UNR No. Japanese Stance GRPE 24 (Diesel smoke) - At this stage, GRPE should focus on the international harmonization of WLTP, and the priority to advance the harmonization of these UNRs is lower. Regarding UNR133: - In particular, as UNR 133 was not on the list of candidates for Phase 2 initially inquired by WP29, there is a concern that its possibility of international harmonization has not been sufficiently examined. - In Japan, we ensure the effectiveness of recycling by requiring importers, etc. to collect and recycle end-of-life vehicles under national laws (Harmonization in the framework of the 1958 Agreements is difficult since these requirements cover acts after type approval, and recycling depends on the social infrastructure of each country.) - If UNR 133 is included in Phase 2 and Japan has obligation to accept type approval of UNR 133 as a part of U-IWVTA, it may lead importers, etc. to misinterpret that they are not required to collect and recycle end-of-life vehicles by Japanese national law, thereby causing confusion in the Japanese market. 49 (Heavy vehicle emissions) 133 (Recyclability) GRVA 89 (Speed limiter) - GRVA is focusing on studying regulations related to automated driving and their priority to advance the harmonization of this UNR is lower. GRBP 138 (QRTV) - Support.

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