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Whittlesford Parkway Station Stakeholder Workshop

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Presentation on theme: "Whittlesford Parkway Station Stakeholder Workshop"— Presentation transcript:

1 Whittlesford Parkway Station Stakeholder Workshop
Tuesday 3 July 2018

2 Greater Cambridge Partnership
The GCP is the delivery body for a ‘City Deal’ with central government. The GCP brings powers and investment, worth up to £1 billion over 15 years. It focuses on four interconnected work streams: transport, skills, housing and smart technology to make vital improvements to infrastructure to support and accelerate the creation of 44,000 new jobs and 33,500 new homes. The partnership of councils, business & academia works with the community to support growth, share prosperity & improve peoples’ quality of life.

3 Our vision

4 The transport challenge

5 Overview Who are we? Why the focus on Whittlesford?
What is being produced? What are some of the initial findings? What are the timeframes? What is the purpose of this evening?

6 1. Who are we?

7 2. Why the focus on Whittlesford?
Recent growth in passenger numbers Anticipated growth in passenger numbers Impacts of growth on local residents Rural Travel Hubs Initiative Focus on the station and its approaches

8 3. What is being produced? Two stage process Stage 1: Baseline Report
Set out the context Identify current issues Focus on policy, provision, practice, perceptions and proposals Identify long list of potential options Stage 2: Masterplan Select preferred interventions Produce indicative design(s) Set out how it will be delivered

9 4. What are the initial findings?
Policy | Review of national, sub-regional and local transport and planning policy highlighted a clear focus on the importance of sustainable transport and the growth pressures to be accommodated. Provision | Detailed the infrastructure at the station, the trains which serve it, bus services and infrastructure in the vicinity of the station, provision for pedestrians and cyclists, parking and highway issues and taxis, together with land ownership and constraints.

10 4. What are the initial findings?
Practice | Drew out details on station patronage, the catchment area from which users are drawn, and the way people travel locally including to the station. Perceptions | Engaged with over 50 individuals representing a wide range of organisations and detailing a variety of perspectives on the station.


12 Station User Survey – 16 May 2018 (121 responses)
Online Survey – 10 May to 13 June 2018 (70 responses from station users)


14 5. What are the timeframes?
April | WYG appointed June | Draft Stage 1 Baseline Report issued. July | Evaluation of potential scheme options. September | Draft Masterplan issued.

15 6. The Workshop Issues: Have we identified the key issues? (Session 1)
Options: What do you think are the most important schemes to be implemented? (Session 2)









24 For more information contact:
Ben King | WYG

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