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K-12 Health and Physical Education Curriculum and Instruction

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Presentation on theme: "K-12 Health and Physical Education Curriculum and Instruction"— Presentation transcript:

1 K-12 Health and Physical Education Curriculum and Instruction
Dr. Stephen L. Cone

2 Course Overview

3 What do we like in a teacher?
Creating a positive and safe learning environment. Paired students interviews – Discuss what teachers you liked or admired and why and what subjects you liked and why? Introduce partner “This is ________ and one thing she or he liked or admired about a teacher was _______________. (sample for your use)

4 Characteristics of Good Teaching
Student developed list of characteristics of good teaching.

5 Characteristics of Good Teaching
What would you like your students to say about you at your retirement?

6 What is a Curriculum? Write your own definition.
Then, share the definition with three other people.

7 What is a Curriculum? Does anyone want to share your definition? (It would be a good choice to share! )

8 Curriculum begins with a philosophy.
What is a philosophy? How does it evolve?


10 Personal Values How are these developed? Who influences them?

11 Discipline Knowledge Where and how do you acquire knowledge?

12 Teaching and Life Experiences
Where and what type of experiences have you had and what did you gain?

13 Your Teaching Philosophy
Take a moment to write your thoughts about each area: Personal Values Discipline Knowledge Teaching and Learning Experiences

14 Your Teaching Philosophy
The assignment: Go to (

15 Your Teaching Philosophy
Summary from Terry Senne - Your teaching philosophy reflects your beliefs and assumptions about teaching and learning. It reflects what you believe is essential content in (health ) physical education and your role as a teacher based on what you know about how students learn.

16 Evolution of a curriculum
Teaching Philosophy National and State Standards School and District Goals or Mission

17 Evolution of a Curriculum
Health and Physical Education Curriculum Units of Study – content organization Lessons – content organization Interaction with students – Instruction

18 Our Quote for the Class "Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.” --Henry Ford

19 Quotes Curricular teams, each student on the team shares a quote and why they chose it, then on a second round each student selects a second quote and why How do your quotes reflect the contents of your Pie Chart Identify the similarities from the shared quotes

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