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Assignment 1 SEPTEMBER 2016.

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1 Assignment 1 SEPTEMBER 2016

2 ASSIGNMENT 1 A case study of a pupil with a particular learning need.
Outcomes- trainees will: Gather information on the pupil’s learning need/s and on how the school addresses their specific barriers to learning. Critically reflect on successful strategies that are/could be used to ensure the pupil can access the curriculum effectively and, where appropriate, introduce a strategy or strategies, informed by research, to support the pupil and evaluate the impact on the pupil’s learning and progress Reflect on the implications for their own inclusive practice.

3 The key aim of this assignment is for you to research background information on the learning needs of your pupil and to relate to this successful strategies that can / could be used to support learning and progress. It is expected that trainees will select a pupil within their placement class wherever possible. Trainees must send out a letter (a template will be provided) to the pupil’s parents/carers asking for their permission to carry out this study before undertaking their research.

4 Presentation Your assignment should adhere to the word count of between 3000 and 3500 words plus or minus 10% (you should include the word count on your front cover) Make the school and particularly the child anonymous It should be word processed with double spacing, font size 12 in a plain font like Arial All pages should be numbered with your name in the header/footer You must include the Declaration of Plagiarism form You may include appendices to support your main discussion Use of research to inform discussion should be referenced clearly using a reference list. You must submit 2 copies – 1 will be returned to you once marked and the other kept for our records

5 You should include... Critical analysis Weighing the Evidence
Writing analytically not descriptively Weighing the Evidence Argue the case for your point of view – present a logical argument backed up by evidence in order to justify your conclusion Be careful about the weight you give to your own experience or observations. You may not have the answers – leave the route open for enquiry – ‘what if’ ‘perhaps’

6 Use and acknowledge the work of others
You need to evidence that you have read and understood the work of others. Acknowledgement is important as it recognises the intellectual rights of the author in question. Need to take care not to plagiarise. Copying word for word/whole paragraphs = Plagiarism. Paraphrasing is acceptable but you need to acknowledge author e.g. “ Cowley says”.

7 Referencing You may use any conventional referencing format e.g. Harvard List only sources that you refer to in your assignment Give a reference list – not a bibliography Reference list – list of relevant works used to support your argument Bibliography – list of ‘what I have read’ Try to use only up to date references

8 SEN tasks Send out permission letter for assignment 1 (on our website)
Compile a “provision map” for your case study pupil and look at their progression, how it is tracked and evaluate the impact of the provision in terms of progress. Carry out observations using inclusive observation checklist and complete a reflective log about the impact on learning and the implications for practice. (download checklist from our website) These are all outlined in your handbook

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