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WISE / INSPIRE Hans Dufourmont Albrecht Wirthmann INSPIRE 02 June 2006

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1 WISE / INSPIRE Hans Dufourmont Albrecht Wirthmann INSPIRE 02 June 2006
Eurostat D-2 Regional Indicators & Geographical Information March 2007 ESTAT - D2 Regional Indicators and Geographical Information

2 Aims of WISE WISE Efficient management of all water-related information on EU level Coherence between various reporting mechanisms and needs Access to information / data for various purposes and needs

3 WISE Topics Cover all water related information arising from EU policy
Integration of water related datasets, e.g. EIONET water, UWWTD, bathing water, ... Integration of spatial and non-spatial data

4 INSPIRE INSPIRE scope 02 June 2006 Creation of a European Spatial Information / Data Infrastructure Deliver integrated spatial information services Frame for integration of spatial water data into European Spatial Data Infrastructure Focus on public authorities (Sharing) Focus on performance of public tasks No new data collection required ESTAT - D2 Regional Indicators and Geographical Information

5 Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS)
WISE and INSPIRE will be integrated into the initiative of DG Environment on creating a Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS). WISE is water-related component INSPIRE is infrastructural component related to spatial information. Environmental data centres will feed this infrastructure environmental data.

6 Environmental Data Centres
“Group of 4” - European bodies DG Environment, European Environment Agency, Joint Research Centre, Eurostat Technical Arrangement: 10 Data Centres: Natural Resources – Waste – Products – Soil – Forestry – Air – Climate Change – Water – Biodiversity – Land Use

7 ©2007 Google-Grafiken ©2007 AeroWest


9 INSPIRE principles Data should be collected once, maintained at the most appropriate level and shared with all other levels Geo-Information needed for good governance should be abundant under acceptable conditions It should be possible to combine seamlessly spatial data from different sources and share it between many users and applications It should be easy to discover, to evaluate its fitness for use and to know which conditions for use do apply

10 INSPIRE Objectives Provide access to relevant and harmonised spatial data for Community environmental policy national and regional administrations for the citizen Integrated spatial information services Distributed network of data sources Common standards and protocols Build upon national SDIs

11 GI Institutional framework GI technical standards
Memorandum of understanding signed in 2002 between DG ENV, Eurostat and the JRC for developing INSPIRE initiative; renewed in 2006 for the implemen-tation of INSPIRE. GI Institutional framework GI technical standards Bringing data and services together through a Spatial Data Infrastructure Spatial Information Services Basis GI data sets

12 Spatial Data Interest Communities
INSPIRE organisation Consolidation Team Assure usage of standards and the flow back to the standardizing committees EC, MS ISO, CEN, .. Drafting Teams Convert specifications into implementing rules and draft guidelines SDICs SDICs provide reference material for Drafting Teams and participate in validation process Spatial Data Interest Communities User User User

13 DT Metadata The scope of MD needs more focus
clarification of boundaries between discovery, exploration, evaluation, exploitation and use is needed articulation of different levels of granularity of MD according to relevance for each user community IR to include both MD on data and services (v.1 April 2006)

14 DT Data Harmonisation Detailed definitions on data specs and exchange
Survey of existing initiatives Definition of Annex Themes and scope Report on findings of survey first draft generic conceptual model first draft methodologies for specification development first draft IR for data exchange ( ) v.1 of generic conceptual model impact assessment on use of this model

15 INSPIRE Network services 02 June 2006 MS shall establish and operate a network of following services: discovery services (data & services) view services download services transformation services middleware services discovery and view services free of charge charging exception for large volumes AND high update frequency (meteo data) if charged for, then via e-commerce protection against (commercial) proliferation allowed The Commission will run an EU geo-portal Implementing Rules will be adopted ESTAT - D2 Regional Indicators and Geographical Information

16 Data sharing Each MS shall adopt measures for sharing of spatial data sets and services between its public authorities, for the purposes of environmental policies Sharing measures shall preclude any restrictions likely to create practical obstacles, occurring at the point of use

17 Spatial Data themes Annex I data Annex II data
Co-ordinate reference system Geographical grid system Geographical names Administrative units Addresses Cadastral parcels Transport networks Hydrography Protected sites Annex II data Elevation Land cover Ortho-imagery Geology

18 Spatial Data themes Annex III data Statistical units Buildings Soil
Land use Human health and safety Utility and government services Environmental monitoring facilities Production and industrial facilities Agricultural and aquaculture facilities Population distribution - demography Area management/ restriction/regulation zones & reporting units Natural risk zones Atmospheric conditions Meteorological geographical features Oceanographic geographical features Sea regions Bio-geographical regions Habitats & biotopes Distribution of species Energy resources Mineral resources

19 Data theme definitions
Transport networks: Road, rail, air and water transport networks and related infrastructure. Includes links between different networks. Also includes TEN. Hydrography: Hydrographic elements, including marine areas and all other water bodies and items related to them, including river basins and sub-basins. Where appropriate, according to the definitions set out in the WFD, and in the form of networks

20 Data theme definitions
Land Cover: Physical and biological cover of the earth’s surface including … water bodies Soil: Soils and subsoil … and anticipated water storage capacity Utility and governmental services: … water supply … Environmental monitoring facilities: Location and operation of environmental monitoring facilities including … measurement of emissions … Production and industrial facilities … water abstraction facilities …

21 Data theme definitions
Area management/restriction zones and reporting units: … restricted areas around drinking water sources, nitrate vulnerable zones, … river basin districts, relevant reporting units … Natural risk zones: … all hydrologic, … phenomena that, because of their location, severity and frequency, have the potential to seriously affect society Habitats and biotopes: geographic areas characterised by …, includes terrestrial and aquatic areas distinguished by geographical, abiotic and biotic features… Energy resources: energy resources including … hydropower …

22 Important feature types
Watercourse Name Hydrologic code Hydrologic persistence (perennial, intermittent) Hydrographic Origin Category (natural, man-made) Type (stream, canal, aqueduct, ditch, estuary, …, virtual) Position/ground Navigability Lake, pond Name (if any) Other entities on water network, such as waterfall, sluice, lock, dam Isolated water infrastructures, such as fountain, pumping station River basin name hydrologic code level (“administrative importance”)


24 WISE technical group Lead: EEA
Partners: ENV, JRC, Eurostat, DE, FR, IT, SE Mandate Support WISE steering group concerning technical issues

25 WISE technical group Tasks Design and implement Information system
Assure data access and exchange Update WISE GIS guidance Profile on geographic metadata Definition of geographic reference datasets Proposal for hydrological coding system

26 WISE GIS Development of WISE GIS component as an important building block of Spatial Data Infrastructure Key Services Visualisation of georeferenced data Enable interoperability between EU and national/RBD systems Enable analysis and assessment possibilities Integration of different data sources and types

27 Long term objectives (2010)
Implementation of Infrastructure integrating EU WISE and national water information systems Main purposes Visualisation Policy assessment Compliance assessment Scenario / modelling analysis

28 Short term objectives (2007-08)
Emphasis on visualisation web mapping, paper maps, WISE viewer ( Review of WFD reported data and integration of relevant reference datasets Scope is EU27 + accession, candidate, EFTA and other European countries Collaborative process between EU services and member states

29 WISE GIS Guidance Based on WFD GIS guidance 2002
Description of structure and implementation of WISE GIS Clarification of roles and responsibilities of involved actors Update of list of datasets and maps

30 WISE GIS Guidance Issues to be covered EU hydrographic reference layer
Use and exploitation of other datasets Planning for development of new layers (canals, reservoirs) Improvement reported national datasets Intended scope of visualisation Definition of reference areas for visualisation (comparable sub-units) Feature coding Metadata aspects Interoperability aspects between WISE and national information systems

31 WISE GIS Guidance Management Aspects
Process led by new WISE Technical Coordination Group Participation of EU services and MS representatives Updated Guidance until 2007/8

32 WISE GIS Guidance TOC Purpose of Guidance
Implementing the WFD and WISE development Role of GIS in WISE Definition of products (maps) and functions Visualisation of WISE GIS data Information on policy implementation Compliance Assessment Scientifc Analysis, Assessment, Modelling

33 WISE GIS Guidance TOC General approach for definition of datasets
Technical Aspects Options for creating new datasets Technical Description GIS layers Data models Feature Coding Metadata implementation Data exchange Web Services

34 WISE GIS Guidance TOC Harmonisation Coordination General principles
EU Core dataset Development of new layers Reference Units for Visualisation Coordination Organisations, responsibilities (Who) Working procedures (How) Phases of development Interaction with other organisations, initiatives, developments

35 Conclusions WISE is European data and information management system for water WISE will integrate data from water related European legislation (UWWTD) WISE GIS contains spatial data related to water INSPIRE will provide infrastructural component of WISE related to spatial information. WISE GIS guidance will define spatial component of WISE Spatial data from UWWDT reporting will be integrated into WISE GIS component

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