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science stomach remember memory forget Canada suppose element iron

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Presentation on theme: "science stomach remember memory forget Canada suppose element iron"— Presentation transcript:

1 science stomach remember memory forget Canada suppose element iron
Spelling Words Schwa science remember forget suppose iron stomach memory Canada element mystery

2 gravel normal difficult notify fortune privilege giant cement
Spelling Words Schwa gravel difficult fortune giant architect normal notify privilege cement yesterday Different dictionaries may show different vowels for the schwa sound.

3 ridiculous syllable magnificent asparagus cinnamon
CHALLENGE ridiculous syllable magnificent asparagus cinnamon

4 Let’s review our Spelling words
Let’s review our Spelling words. Watch carefully because they will flash on the screen for just a moment. We can clap as we spell the word, or we might just practice reading the words.

5 stomach

6 memory

7 Canada

8 mystery

9 remember

10 forget

11 giant

12 architect

13 normal

14 notify

15 privilege

16 cement

17 yesterday

18 ridiculous

19 syllable

20 asparagus

21 syllable

22 magnificent

23 cinnamon

24 reaction

25 suppose

26 iron

27 gravel

28 difficult

29 science

30 Writing Assignment Write and announcement promoting some fictional event using as many of the spelling words as possible. The event may be a play, a contest or a sporting event.

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