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The Groove Application

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1 The Groove Application
Extending the value of Relationship Management Systems with Peer Interaction

2 What is Groove Groove is a combination of software and services that transform the Internet into a personal medium for direct communication and interaction

3 What Problem is being Addressed
Harnessing the power of the Web as a Business Platform Take Web based relationship management to the next level: direct person-to-person interactions Authorized customers or partners will have access to Content and Business Systems (Current situation) Internal Resources Relationship Managers Internal Experts Virtual Project Team Members

4 Motivation Business processes: how people interact with systems
Business practices: how people interact with people The combination of well defined Business Processes and Practices has a tremendous appeal to business leaders because it provides a mechanism to attract and retain customers

5 Perceived Benefits Greater customer intimacy
Relationship managers can easily identify and act upon opportunities for cross-selling, and create stronger barriers to exit Enhanced operational efficiency Colleagues inside and outside the company can respond more quickly and intelligently to new problems and opportunities as they arise. Self-organizing teams can reduce time-to-decision throughout the course of a project or a relationship

6 Current Use: Customer Self Service
Corporate portals and extranets allow external users to gain access to customized data, account information, analytical tools, and real business functions. As a medium for customer self service: portals has been successful in reducing the costs associated with common, predictable, repeatable activities that used to require expensive call centers and customer service staff.

7 Problems Adding direct person-to-person interaction to portals or extranets has proven to be challenging Narrowly defined modes of interaction Tools and utilities (VoIP, instant messaging, filtered, routed ) are point solutions and lack the richness of a complete interactive environment Lack of platform for integration and extensibility Most communication and collaborative solutions are standalone solutions with few tools for integrating with CRM systems, ERP systems, DDA systems, etc Server-centric Hesitation to deploy solution outside the firewall Server solution inside the firewall incur overhead for set-up, archival, management, and retirement

8 Major Dimensions of Groove
A Complete Environment for Group Interaction A Platform for Business Solutions A Peer-to-Peer Architecture Enterprise Network Services

9 A Complete Environment for Group Interaction
Virtual Space – users make direct connections with other users for various activities Project, brainstorming, planning, discussion, document sharing, coordinating schedules, etc Business interaction capabilities involve groups Communication tools – VoIP, instant messaging, text-based chat, threaded discussion Context sharing tools – shared files, shared pictures, shared contacts Joint activity tools – co browsing, drawing, editing, and calendar Each Groove shared space is stored locally When something new is added to the space, it is reflected on all the machines in the shared space

10 A Complete Environment for Group Interaction
Provide familiar functionality for Internet communications , instant messaging, browsers, and poplar peer file-sharing tools Provide additional functionality and usability for rich group interaction Ease of connection: Eliminate complexity to end users Flexibility and adaptability: User added functionality is immediately available to all members of the shared space Offline use: Changes are stored locally. When user re-connect changes are propagated to other members Self-updating: Groove automatically checks its software revision, fetches and installs without any direct user intervention. In addition, Groove will check with other members to ensure compatibility

11 Major Dimensions of Groove
A Complete Environment for Group Interaction A Platform for Business Solutions A Peer-to-Peer Architecture Enterprise Network Services

12 A Platform for Business Solutions
A rich set of system level services that can be leveraged and extended Centralized services for IT control over infrastructure resources A development model accessible by a wide variety of programming skills A framework for integration with existing business and technology infrastructure A broad and diverse partner community of ISVs, solution providers, system integrators, trainers and consultant

13 System Architecture Transceiver Shared Space Shared Space Tool Tool
Security XML object Store XML object Routing Connection Synchronization Awareness Transparency

14 1: System-Level Services
Security Services: Public/private creation, distribution and maintenance, end-user authentication, and 192-bit encryption of all content and network activity Storage Services: All content, gestures and activities are stored locally in Groove’s XML object store Synchronization Services: Each member maintains their local copy of the shared space. Groove Sync services keep all the copies of the shared space in sync Peer Connection Services: Transparently manages administration of network functions (IP address selection, bandwidth configuration, firewall translators)

15 2: Centralized Services
License Management Component Management Bandwidth Efficiency and Firewall Transparency Usage Reporting

16 3: System Integration Peer computing is not mutually exclusive with traditional server-based or centralized business solutions (ERP, CRM, Knowledge Mgnt.) Groove’s platform integrates with server-based systems, extending the value of existing centralized information and functionality. Groove use integration tools to automate processes associated with data residing in centralized systems Extend internal systems to external customers or partners, reduce admin overhead, and minimize backend data conflicts

17 4: Development Environment
Secure, extensible platform built on open standards for ease of development and integration Based on COM COM provides a flexible language-independent env Extend Groove by adding new COM component COM component automatically inherit Groove system level services Groove supports and leverages existing and emerging industry standards HTTP, UDP, TCP/IP, XML, SOAP, XML-RPC COM –compliant scripting, programming languages

18 Major Dimensions of Groove
A Complete Environment for Group Interaction A Platform for Business Solutions A Peer-to-Peer Architecture Enterprise Network Services

19 A Peer-to-Peer Architecture
Centralized, server-based systems have proven ideal for automating business models and business processes Business practices do not fit readily into the centralization model and have been more difficult to automate Groove simple enables more personally empowering and more flexible and adaptive person-to-person communications

20 Major Dimensions of Groove
A Complete Environment for Group Interaction A Platform for Business Solutions A Peer-to-Peer Architecture Enterprise Network Services

21 Enterprise Network Services
Bandwidth Optimization Compressed and encrypted XML-structured commands called “deltas”: incremental change Offline Usage Changes are queued in the Global Centralized Queue and delivered to the clients whenever they reconnect Local changes are stored in the local work space and transmitted whenever the user reconnects Firewall Transparency Relay service acts as HTTP proxy and wrapped deltas in HTTP so that they can tunnel through a firewall

22 Enterprise Network Services, contd
Component Management Groove automatically adds new component to users and shared space Centralized auto-update capabilities License Management Domain deployment of new licenses to users Usage Reporting Centralized monitoring service tracks usage to determine application utility Intelligently anticipate capacity planning requirements

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