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Bell Work 4/24/14 On your desk: PRIDE Card IN Pencil

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Work 4/24/14 On your desk: PRIDE Card IN Pencil"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Work 4/24/14 On your desk: PRIDE Card IN Pencil
1. What percent do you think you earned on the Exam? 2. How long did you study? 3. What were your study strengths? 4. What were your study weaknesses?

2 The Universe

3 Update your Table of Contents!!!
Title Date Page # 1. Freshwater Systems 1/6/14 7 2. Oceans 1/27/14 21 3. The Atmosphere 2/11/14 33 4. Meteorology 2/27/14 41 5. Climate and Seasons 3/18/14 53 6. Moon 4/1/14 87 7. The Universe 4/24/14 ??

4 Use your iPad to fill in your guided notes!!!

5 Bell Work 4/25/14 On your desk: PRIDE Card IN Pencil
1. How many galaxies are there in the universe? 400 billion galaxies 2. How many types of stars are there? 4 3. Name them. Main-sequence stars Giants Supergiants White dwarf stars

6 Big Bang Theory Theory of how the Universe came to be.
Big Bang = HUGE explosion of energy Energy = Matter (E=MC2) The Universe is 13.7 BILLION years old.

7 The Big Bang Theory 1 universe which contains 400 billion galaxies…
Our galaxy (The Milky Way) contains 100 billion stars!! The planets in our solar system orbit a single star… the SUN!

8 Stars Chapter 2 Section 1

9 Composition of Stars Made up of different elements in form of gases
Inner layers dense and hot Outer layers cool gasses Different elements absorb different wavelengths of light Astronomers can tell what elements a star is made of from light they observe from the star.

10 Classifying Stars Stars are classified by how hot they are
Different temperature = different colors

11 Color of Stars Which is Hotter, Rigel or Betelgeuse?

12 Types of Stars Main-sequence stars Giants Supergiants
White dwarf stars

13 Mapping the Stars Chapter 1 Section 3

14 Patterns in the Sky Ancient cultures connected stars in patterns
Patterns called Constellations Sections of sky that contain recognizable star patterns They helped people navigate and keep track of time.

15 Patterns in the sky Different civilizations had different names for same constellation Constellation Orion -Greeks saw hunter -Japanese saw a drum

16 Organization Constellations help organize the sky
Each constellation is a region of the sky Each constellation shares a border w/ other constellations

17 Seasonal Changes Constellations change from season to season
Different constellations are visible in the southern hemisphere Sky maps are used to tell which constellations will appear during which season.

18 Finding Stars in Night Sky
Constellation and Star Wheel **Let’s make one!

19 1. Draw what YOU see and name your constellation

20 Cassiopeia Represents the queen Cassiopeia, who boasted about her unrivaled beauty. Shaped like a “W” (or “M”)

21 In the fall Cassiopeia is in the shape of a W, and in the Spring she is in the shape of a M. 

22 2. Draw what YOU see and name your constellation

23 Cygnus Resembles a wide winged, long necked bird, in graceful flight
Represents several different legendary swans.

24 Visible during the late summer and autumn

25 3. Draw what YOU see and name your constellation

26 Gemini Its name is Latin for "twins," and it is associated with the twins Castor and Pollux in Greek mythology

27 4. Draw what YOU see and name your constellation

28 Orion Resembles a hunter
Orion is standing next to the river Eridanus with his two hunting dogs, fighting Taurus the bull.

29 If Betelgeuse were our sun, it would be so large that its diameter would be somewhere between Mars and Jupiter!

30 5. Draw what YOU see and name your constellation
Ursa Major

31 Ursa Major Ursa Major = Great Bear Resembles a Bear…
The Big Dipper makes up the bear’s tail

32 The Big Dipper… visible throughout most of the year

33 6. Draw what YOU see and name your constellation

34 Scorpius Resembles a scorpion's tail, and a vague body.
This scorpion which was sent by the goddess Hera to kill the hunter Orion

35 Visible between June and August

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