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DTM Field Companion for Location Assessment Sectoral Questions

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1 DTM Field Companion for Location Assessment Sectoral Questions
DTM & Partners - Purpose, Structure and Use of Field Companion Briefing for DTM, Clusters, authorities, WGs, Sectors, IOM Programmes and other partners

2 Objectives of this session :
At the end of the session, you will be able to: Explain what the Field Companion is and who developed it Explain how DTM & Partners can use the Field Companion in the field List the main information it contains Explain the main steps for developing the Country Data Analysis Plan using the Field Companion

3 Acknowledgement and thank-you
The DTM Field Companion was developed by Global CCCM, Education, Health, NFI & Shelter, Protection, WASH Clusters, Global Child Protection and GBV AoRs, CASH WG in Geneva, Translators Without Borders, DTM and IASC experts on AAP and PSEA, and IOM DTM staff worldwide. This work is the result of years of combined experience and months of targeted effort: DTM is grateful to these colleagues for their contribution and unwavering support

4 Where to find it on DTM & Partners toolkit
Field Companion Excel format Pdf format Field Companion is in the DTM & Partners Toolkit, under Sectoral Questions for Location Assessment

5 What is the Field Companion
The DTM Field Companion for Sectoral Questions in Location Assessment is the list of questions developed with global Clusters, WGs, and other sectoral experts. These questions are included in the DTM Data Dictionary. In the Field Companion, each question is clearly linked to: Information it provides Suggested use of its results Suggested descriptive analysis Suggested visualization How the information should be shared (e.g., publicly or not) Sector, WG, Cluster or specialized organization potentially interested in the results. Preconditions that must be in place to include question in the questionnaire Recommended key informant for that question Options for answers and instructions for the questionnaire form Type of question (e.g., whether core, recommended, or standard)

6 Formats of the Field Companion
Field Companion can be extracted from DTM Data Dictionary as a word document or an excel table The Field Companion is an extract of the Data Dictionary database. It can be extracted in various formats. The Toolkit includes both a word and an excel extracts. Each document includes the same information, and can be utilized depending on preference of the user. When it is useful, questions in the database can also be filtered by sector of interest and extracted in the same templates . This allows to select all questions related to a sector, including questions primarily collected for a different sector (e.g., lighting at latrines).

7 Information in the Field Companion 1/4

8 Information in the Field Companion 2/4

9 Information in the Field Companion 3/4

10 Information in the Field Companion 4/4

11 How does the Field Companion help?
The Field Companion is designed to help DTM & Partners in the field in their cooperation for data collection and analysis. Field Companion can be modified & become Country DTM Data Analysis Plan by incorporating new questions and changing existing ones. The purpose of a Data Analysis Plan is to link Analysis and Use to each Question and Response Options. It helps DTM & Partners verify how results of each questions fill information gaps Questions developed without a Data Analysis Plan will likely be de-linked from their analysis & use: DTM will still collect data but may not support partners’ response. When under time pressure in the beginning of an exercise, if immediate engagement with all partners is not feasible, DTM can use questions in the Field Companion in questionnaire (questions were developed by Global Clusters, AoRs and others). Engagement with all partners will still be pursued as soon as possible.

12 How can DTM& Partners use the Field Companion?
DTM and partners can use the field companion and: Looking at the information need, jointly select the questions for the country questionnaire among those in the Field Companion, after information needs are clearly identified by partner. Looking at the options for answer, use available response options or modify according to context. Looking at the descriptive analysis and visualization mock-up, jointly verify that the selected questions are indeed providing the needed info, at the right level of detail. They can also agree on type of descriptive analysis DTM (or partner IMO) will do of results. This will ensure shared analysis will meet the needs of the partner. Looking at the suggested use (and modifying it when necessary) clearly identify and document the link between the use and the question, to ensure results are used for response. Looking at the dissemination modality of each dataset, agree on how non-public datasets will be shared (and enter in necessary data sharing agreements, to enable safe and timely data sharing). DTM can also use this opportunity to inform partners on when & where public datasets are shared. Looking at dataset of interest to sectors may be useful to DTM for an initial understanding of potential partners’ interest, as well as guide sharing of data. Using questions of interest to more than one sector may help save resources by collecting data that are useful to more partners.

13 How to develop a joint Data Analysis Plan using the Field Companion
The Field Companion is already formatted as a Data Analysis Plan. It can be adapted to become the country joint Data Analysis Plan. After Information Needs have been identified, DTM & Partner IM experts consider questions in the Field Companion and identify those that match the information needs. They adapt questions to context, delete those that are not relevant and add new ones developed with support of Partner subject-matter & cultural experts. They answer the following: In this context, using this methodology and this level of measurement, what questions should we ask in order to obtain the data we need? In this context, using this methodology and this level of measurement, what options for answers we should give in order to obtain the data we need? Is this question safe and does not put anybody at risk? DTM & Partner IM experts visualize and describe results using fake data (mock-up charts) and share with Partners. Partners use the description and visualization to verify that drafted questions can indeed provide needed information for expected use. DTM & Partner IM experts make necessary changes, finalize Data Plan and share with Partners.

14 Activity 1: Group exercise (mixed groups)
Keep in mind the roles of DTM and Partners in the development of a Data Plan. Identify your skillset/s and remind the group of your role Look at the Data Analysis Plan example in the Handout 3 Create a Data Analysis Plan for your country, adjusting the questions to your information needs. Present your Plan to the plenary Your information needs are: Languages spoken in the Location Access of females to health facilities Main challenges for children (6-12 years old) in accessing formal education HANDOUT

15 Recap: Can you: Explain what the Field Companion is, who developed it?
Explain one way DTM & Partners can use the Field Companion in the field? List the main information it contains? Explain the main steps for developing the Country Data Analysis Plan using the Field Companion?

16 Remember that the Field Companion only includes sectoral questions.
DTM data dictionary also includes many Inter-sectoral questions that likely will be useful for Partners.

17 Thank you!

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