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A. Scott Moreau Wheaton College Evangelical Missions Quarterly

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1 A. Scott Moreau Wheaton College Evangelical Missions Quarterly
Spiritual Warfare 3 A. Scott Moreau Wheaton College Evangelical Missions Quarterly

2 Satan’s Strategies Core Approach: Fathering Lies
Attacking our minds through clever arguments (2 Cor. 2:10-11; 11:2-4) Masquerading as angels or ministers of light (2 Cor. 11:14-15) though presenting a different Jesus (2 Cor. 11:4) or doctrine (1 Tim. 4:1-4) and displaying counterfeit miracles, signs, and wonders (2 Thess. 2:7-11); Tempting us to meet our needs outside of God's will (1 Thess. 3:5) so that Satan can disgrace us later through revealing our pitfalls (1 Tim. 3:6-7)

3 Satan’s Strategies (cont)
Frightening or intimidating us to keep us inactive while he goes about his business (1 Pet. 5:8); Pitting us against each other to destroy the unity we share in Christ and discredit us with the world (2 Tim. 2:24-26) Through their human agents, trying to secretly introduce destructive heresies, inventing stories to convince believers to follow them (2 Pet. 2:1-6). Through false religious experiences, such as empowering idols which are worshiped as gods (1 Cor. 10:19-21) or false ecstatic experiences (1 Cor. 12:2-3)

4 Question for discussion
What strategies has Satan used with you or people you know? What are ways were those strategies uncovered and overcome?

5 Demons and the Christian Principles of Discussion
Scripture is not exhaustive on the subject of demons. We must carefully define our terms--especially ‘possession.’ The issue is one of control, not ownership or physical location. Satan's power was broken on the cross (Col. 2:15). Satan is able to influence a believer, or else there would be no reason for the many NT warnings to resist him. The question is not his ability to influence us, but the extent to which he is able to do so. A person having a demon is not the same as the demon "having" the person (i.e., controlling his or her eternal destiny). Demons ‘own’ no Christian. The extent of the control given to any demon(s), however, is determined by the believer, who has the authority to yield his or her own life to whomever (s)he wishes.

6 Explanations of Possessive States
Physiological: Illness related Fever induced Epilepsy Asthma Short-windedness Other Hypnotism Drug-induced Hyperventilation Severe physical trauma Sonambulance Psychosocial: Psychological Projection Hysteria Wish-fulfillment Social Social stress Mob hysteria Simulated Spirit-related: Non-Christian views Mystic state Shaman’s voyage Mediumship Christian views Unholy spirit(s) Holy Spirit

7 Functions of Possession Sociological, Anthropological, and Psychological Views
Meeting real, felt needs of life Enables change within the community In situations of social stress In times of cultural collapse Sustains community life and maintains moral sanctions Serves as a cultural communication channel with the powers Affirms the belief system of the participants and observers

8 Factors in Diagnosis Spirit’s Intervention
Psychological State and Abilities Social and Cultural Frame Demonization Physiological State Demonic Control

9 Approach to Employ Dampen down the demonic activity
Explore the reasons for the phenomena (sin and broken relationships, physiological issues, psychological and cultural issues, etc.) Overcome evil with good: in a context of discipleship, discover and apply appropriate encounters: Truth (what does God’s word declare?) Allegiance (to Whom are we committed?) Power (Who is ultimately in charge?) Focus on walking in the light rather than battling the dark

10 Time for Reflection Spend time in prayer, asking God to expose sources that have become strongholds in your life. Ask him for strategies to overcome these strongholds.

11 Missiological Issues Keep in mind false miracles, whether from sleight-of-hand or from Satanic power Seek to develop a biblical contextual theology that deals with the excluded middle Ask God to help us change our functional world view where necessary Find ways to experiment from a foundation of being grounded in the Word Facing the structures of power which dehumanize

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