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Presentation on theme: "MURPHEY CANDLER ELEMENTARY TECHNOLOGY PLAN"— Presentation transcript:

Lucille Patrick Argosy University E7801 Dr. Regina Merriwether, Instructor

2 Technology Committee Principal Asst. Principal KK Teacher
1st Grade Teacher 2nd Grade Teacher 3rd Grade Teacher 4th Grade Teacher 5th Grade Teacher Special Area Teacher Parent Student

3 Mission Statement The technology mission of Murphey Candler Elementary is provide staff and students with technological resources and instruction that will equip them with the necessary skills to compete in a global society.

4 Vision Statement The vision of Murphey Candler Elementary School is ensure that students and teachers have access to the most current technology resources and instruction in an effort to develop skills that will equip them for life in an ever-changing world.

5 S.W.O.T. ANALYSIS Strengths Weaknesses
Promethean boards in all homerooms except two Media center equipped with 12 student desk tops, 25 lap tops, promethean board, CTSS on site three days out of the week Technology equipment: tv/dvd, digital cameras, camcorders, instructional technology software Technology night Weaknesses Limited staff development on use of promethean boards Technology club Outdated technology equipment Limited funds for technology Technology team

6 S.W.OT. ANALYSIS (cont.) Opportunities Threats Parent portal CTSS
Most households have computers Parent center with computers Threats Technology not top priority in district Functionality of Equipment Limited funds Parental support

7 Technology Initiative Description
Murphey Candler’s technology initiative is to increase student achievement through the use of technology and to increase teacher effectiveness through professional development.

8 Goal Statement Our goal is to increase student achievement, teacher effectiveness, and parental access through technology.

9 Rationale The use of technology is a proven method of engaging students in daily instruction thereby increasing student achievement. When teachers use technology effectively in the classroom it enables them to differentiate instruction.

10 Objectives To increase student achievement
To increase teacher effectiveness through professional development To increase parent access to technology

11 Hardware and Software Hardware Student desktops Mobile laptops
Printers Digital Cameras Promethean Board Software Accelerated Reader Star Reader Star Math Online Assessment System Study Island

12 Instructional Resource Requirements
Student Data is analyzed. Software program must be student and teacher friendly. Resource must be integrated into daily instruction (View lesson plans).

13 Cyber Safety and Ethics
Staff, students, and parents will receive communication regarding cyber safety. Information will be delivered at PTA meetings, posted on the school website, in the computer lab, as well as in classrooms. Stakeholders will provide signatures indicating that they have received this valuable information.

14 Staff Development Plan
Initially, staff development will be provided by the vendor or school’s IT liaison. Resident experts will provide refreshers each year and for new teachers. Training will take place during the school day or after school contingent upon staff input.

15 Itemized budget and Rationale
Rationale – Current and up-to-date hardware and software are required to achieve the maximum performance Mobile Laptops – 30 at $500 each Student workstations – 1 per classroom – 30 at $300 each Teacher workstations – 30 at $300 each Administrator workstations – 5 at $300 each Smartboards – $700 each

16 Evaluation Plan Benchmarks Surveys Observation Checklists
Evaluation Form to be completed by Technology Team

17 Timeline Beginning to end of school year


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