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Revelation Part 1 Lesson 9b.

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1 Revelation Part 1 Lesson 9b

2 Greek Wretched: “talaoporos” – beaten down from continued strain..enduring trial Rom. 7: Wretched man that I am, who will save me from this body of death? Miserable: “eleeinos” – in great need of mercy Opposite: beneficial, worth, favorable, chosen Poor: “ptochos” – destitute, extreme opposite of rich, to crouch and cower like a beggar. Gal. 4:9 How is it that you turn back again to the weak and worthless elemental things…

3 Warning and Instruction
Gold is perishable, but HIS gold is refined by fire and pure I Pet. 1:6-9 The proof of your faith is more precious than gold which is perishable Ps. 66:8-12 “We went through fire and through water, yet You brought us out into a place of abundance”. He is with us in the fire Rev. 6:11;7:9;19:8 The white clothes are the righteous acts of the saints Laodicea had none! Only their own deeds of lukewarmness

4 Parable of the Wedding Feast
Matt. 22:1-14 Jewish audience Slaves = OT prophets God sent among His people Israel. As a whole, they rejected Him Highways and byways references the gospel going to the Gentiles One NOT dressed properly: thrown out into utter darkness. Only ONE way to heaven Rev. 19:8-9 The white garments signify the deeds/works of the saints

5 Eye Salve 2 Cor. 4:3-6 The devil has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so they can’t see the light John 9:1,6-7,17-31,39 Jesus is THE Light of the World. He alone can open the eyes of the blind spiritually and physically Is. 55:1-3 Come buy wine and milk without cost…listen that you may live Rev. 22:17 Let the one who wishes take water of life without cost

6 Blindness They needed to see their need for Him instead of focusing on their physical or material conditions. They didn’t even KNOW they were naked They needed HIS provision, not their own worldly wealth. They were ignorant and blind to the truth Am I trying to rely on my own strength and material things instead of Him? “Some things must be parted with, but nothing valuable; and it’s only to make room for receiving true riches!” Matt. Henry commentary

7 Instructions and Warning
Rev. 3: Love – “phileo” which means affection. Jesus loved them He wanted them to be zealous for HIM, not repulsive to Him in their lukewarmness. Repent! Turn from your lukewarm state Rev. 3:20 Jesus was OUTSIDE the door of the church, knocking. No invitations to any other church/individual in Revelation 2 and 3, only warnings to hold fast

8 Overcomers/Conquerors
Jesus will come to the one who opens the door and He will dine with him. The overcomer WILL sit down with Jesus on His throne. Jesus DID overcome and He DID sit down with His Father… will we From here on out, there is no mention of the church in Scripture

9 Application Am I lukewarm? Are my closest friends lukewarm?
Is our church as a whole, lukewarm? How could we “turn up the heat so we become hot?” Am I blind? Wretched? Miserable? Poor? Naked? “The Gospel has a better chance with the openly profane and godless than with those who have been brought up under its influence and are so far unaffected.”

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