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Jesus, You are And will always be Beautiful and lovely to me.

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Presentation on theme: "Jesus, You are And will always be Beautiful and lovely to me."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jesus, You are And will always be Beautiful and lovely to me

2 You gave Your life Shed Your blood for me Heaven came down To reveal Your love

3 Thank You, thank You I will always bring You praise For You have won my heart

4 Thank You, thank You I will always bring You praise From the deepest places of my heart

5 Jesus, You are And will always be Beautiful and lovely to me

6 You gave Your life Shed Your blood for me Heaven came down To reveal Your love

7 Thank You, thank You I will always bring You praise For You have won my heart

8 Thank You, thank You I will always bring You praise From the deepest places …

9 Thank You, thank You I will always bring You praise For You have won my heart

10 I will always bring You praise From the deepest places of my heart
Thank You, thank You I will always bring You praise From the deepest places of my heart Written by Jeff Searles and Daniel Whittington, © 2002 Everyone Music


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