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Synergies between NDCs & SDGs; Integration into National Planning

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1 Synergies between NDCs & SDGs; Integration into National Planning
Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia Synergies between NDCs & SDGs; Integration into National Planning Tea Avazashvili Acting Consultant, senior specialist of first category at Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency division of Energy Policy Department Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia 21 May, 2018

2 Content of presentation
Pre 2020 activities in Georgia Strategic Directions of Energy Policy Ensuring security of energy supply and improving Georgia’s overall Energy security RE and EE Supporting Policy Development Key Aspects of NEEAP Georgia’s first NEEAP Measures Climate change Main challenges of incorporating the NDC and SDG

3 Pre 2020 activities in Georgia
1994 Ratification of UNFCCC 2015 INDC submission to UNFCCC June 2017 Ratification of climate change issues By 2020 More ambitious NDC to be developed 2014 EU Association Agreement Signed 2015 New Energy Policy Implemented 2016 “Net Metering Regulation in Georgia” introduced Energy Community Treaty signed

4 Strategic Directions of Energy Policy
EU Association Agreement Signed 2014 New Energy Policy 2015 implication on EE and RE development Energy Strategy (member) Net Metering & promotion small scale RE development Energy Community Treaty Signed 2016

5 Ensuring security of energy supply and improving Georgia’s overall Energy security
Steps: Diversification of the energy supply resources, optimal utilization and reserve creation of the Georgian energy resources; Efficient exploitation of renewable energy resources; Gradual approach of Georgian legislation to EU legislation; Georgian energy market development and improvement of the energy trade mechanisms; Increasing the role of Georgia as a regional transit country; Georgia – clean energy production and regional center for the energy trade; Creation of unified approach on Energy Efficiency and its execution; Consideration of the environmental issues while implementing energy projects; Improvement of the service level and consumers rights protection.

6 RE and EE Supporting Policy Development
NET Metering Implemented; Improvement of existing legislative framework by: Finalization of first National Energy Efficiency Action Plan; Elaboration National Renewable Energy Action Plan to be developed In compliance with EU Directives; Elaboration first preliminary Energy Efficiency Law; Renewable Energy Law.

7 Key Aspects of NEEAP Based on Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;
In this NEEAP measures and budgets are described for , as well as longer term estimates - energy targets for 2020, 2025, and 2030. The achievement of savings is dependent on three key factors (the most important ones): a) The implementation of an ambitious policy agenda for EE b) The availability of technical assistance for implementation c) The availability of investment funds for implementation

8 Georgia’s first NEEAP – Measures
9 Horizontal measures which impact more than one sector (e.g. public and private) and / or are consistent with horizontal measures as laid out by the EU’s guidance on developing NEEAPs; 1 Building measure in private commercial and residential buildings; 9 Public sector measures which will be carried out at the level of central and non-central government 8 Industry sector measures which include 2 information gathering / refining measures and 6 investment measures 9 Transport sector measures including planned measures at the national and municipal levels 8 Energy sector measures related to energy transformation, transmission, and distribution.

9 Georgia’s first NEEAP – Measures
Overall 44 Sectoral EE Measures in: Energy, Industry, Transport, Buildings Measures would lead to: 14% energy saving as compared to 2025 business as usual (BAU) projections 15% energy savings as compared to 2030 BAU projections – in compliance with goals according to NDC As a result: This would make up a significant portion of Georgia’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) target – a target which was submitted to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) at the COP21 in Paris at the end of 2015

10 Government of Georgia will establish Climate Change Committee
“Climate action plan ” is now under preparation CAP is a set of strategies intended to guide country and community efforts for reducing GHG emissions It will be finalized alongside the submission of the updated NDC. Government of Georgia will establish Climate Change Committee Will be composed of representatives from: key ministries representatives of civil sociaty private sector academia

11 Main challenges of incorporating the NDC and SDG
Transforming into open market economy while integrating ambitious climate protection policies into national development planning; Limited necessary institutional, regulatory and financial capacities; Lack of awareness; Lack of human and institutional skills and know-how; Economic characteristics of Georgia;

12 Thank you! E-mail:;
Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia

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