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25 September 2019 25 septembre 2019 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: TG4a UWB PHY status.

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Presentation on theme: "25 September 2019 25 septembre 2019 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: TG4a UWB PHY status."— Presentation transcript:

1 25 September 2019 25 septembre 2019 Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: TG4a UWB PHY status on Sept 19th, 2005 IEEE Garden Grove Date Submitted: Sept 19th, 2005 Source: Philippe Rouzet (STMicroelectronics) Contact: Philippe Rouzet TG4a UWB Technical Editor Voice: , Abstract: Intermediate status of UWB PHY activity at IEEE GG, as of Sept. 19th Purpose: To provide a basis for further discussions and meetings in 15.4a PHY UWB group during IEEE Garden Grove session Sept. 2005 Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P Philippe Rouzet (STM) Philippe Rouzet

2 UWB PHY sub-groups The Technical Sub-Editors (TSE)
25 septembre 2019 UWB PHY sub-groups The Technical Sub-Editors (TSE) and the liaison to IEEE coexistence are: 1) Bandplan TSE: Saeid Safavi 2) Pulse modulation TSE: Phil Orlik 3) Pulse compression techniques TSE: Ismail Lakkis 4) Simulation TSE: Matt Wellborn 5) Sub-GHz UWB-PHY TSE: Mark Jamtgaard 6) Liaison to IEEE Patricia Martigne Philippe Rouzet (STM)

3 25 September 2019 25 septembre 2019 Bandplan The list of criteria for Bandplan Selection has been approved (doc 05/0355r03 with 11 criteria ), after discussion and approval of a couple of modifications The Bandplan approved at Cairn’s has been reconfirmed after voting (selection among a list of proposed bandplans presented in doc 05/0389r02, 78 % in favor ). Ref. is doc 05/250/03 Work on-going now on above-6-Ghz Bandplan (e.g a-above-6-ghz-frequency-plan-proposal-tg4a.pdf) Philippe Rouzet (STM) Philippe Rouzet

4 ABOVE 6 GHz Bandplan Status and way forward Process within TG4a
25 septembre 2019 ABOVE 6 GHz Bandplan Status and way forward Currently no other proposal issued than by 15.4a group (which aligns with Japan and OFCOM tentative masks) Technical work to start urgently within 15.4a group to confirm this is the best achievable solution, in particular to reuse most of the technology intended for below 6Ghz band (e.g. PRF generation) Process within TG4a Procedure to incorporate the new part with the existing approved bandplan ? New voting ? It is assumed that the best achievable bandplan has been agreed upon for below 6 GHz band and thus this bandplan should not be modified because of the introduction of the above 6 Ghz one Positioning within the standard and towards regulation Either above 6 GHz bandplan is optional, but below 6GHZ is always mandatory Or two kinds of devices: the ones that work below 6 GHz and the ones above Stability of the current OFCOM and Japan spectrum masks? Philippe Rouzet (STM)

5 25 September 2019 25 septembre 2019 Pulse Modulation The list of criteria for Modulation has been approved by unanimous consent (doc 05/0424r1 ) New presentations of possible modulations have been shown by their authors: 5/0415r1, 5/0231r7, 05/0428r0 , 05/0429r /0515/01, 5/05/ a-common-coherent-non-coherent-modulation document : [ a-modulation-proposal] Source: [Ismail Lakkis] summarizes the IX different modulation options (together with spreading codes) that currently exist Philippe Rouzet (STM) Philippe Rouzet

6 25 September 2019 25 septembre 2019 Pulse Modulation It is desirable to progress in the downselection of the modulation (currently 9 different schemes) It is desirable to progress in the simulations to finalize the selection of the appropriate modulation. simulation work is on-going (see next slide). Note: Progress on simulations has been limited by difficulties in calibrating simulators and selecting a minimum number of cases (CMi, SOP options etc…) Pulse Modulation activity will be the top priority of Garden Grove UWB PHY meetings Philippe Rouzet (STM) Philippe Rouzet

7 On-going simulation work for modulation selection
25 septembre 2019 On-going simulation work for modulation selection 1) P. Orlik, A. Molisch - MERL [# a and a] - Options I, III and VI 2) F. Chin et al. - I2R [# xx a] - Options I, II, VII, VIII, IX 3) A. Maeki et al. - Hitachi; Y. Okuma et al. - YRP Ubiquitous Networking Laboratory [# a] - Symbol Differential Encoding 4) S. Emami and C.A. Corral - Freescale Semiconductor [# a] - Options I, II, III, VII 5) G.M. Maggio & P. Rouzet - STMicroelectronics [# a] - Option VI 6) M. Mc Laughlin - Decawave [# a] - Common coherent/non-coherent scheme Others ? Philippe Rouzet (STM)

8 25 September 2019 25 septembre 2019 Pulse Compression The list of criteria for Pulse Compression has been approved by unanimous consent (doc 05/0379r02 Pulse Compression Criteria for UWB PHY. ) See document : [modulation summary for TG4a] Source: [Ismail Lakkis] a-modulation-proposal A motion has been unanimously approved to adopt the format of preamble S field as defined in document , together with the summary definition as per slide 12 (title “summary (preamble only) It is confirmed that this S preamble format is applicable for communication and ranging, in all 3 modes (coherent, diff. coherent, non coherent) Work on-going to define the data symbol format (together with modulation sub group) Philippe Rouzet (STM) Philippe Rouzet

9 25 September 2019 25 septembre 2019 Sub-GHz UWB PHY A presentation of a possible solution for sub–GHz PHY has been made (doc 5/0390r1 ) A straw poll has indicated that more technical information is desired to approve the current proposed solution or move to a modified or new one One proposal is to align with the list of criteria for bandplan, modulation and pulse compression as defined for UWB PHY above 3 GHz, with the appropriate modifications. Sub GHz UWB Phy sub technical Editor agrees and will present a list of criteria together with the corresponding selected parameters of proposition presented in doc 5/0390r1 Philippe Rouzet (STM) Philippe Rouzet

10 Misc. Need to discuss on other topics UWB PHY modulation and MAC
25 septembre 2019 Misc. UWB PHY modulation and MAC Air access scheme to be decided: Collision avoidance or simpler mechanism allowing (statistically rare) collisions Impact on MAC (primitives, timings) Interaction with regulation FCC rulemaking for license exempt wireless com. Networks Impact on i) traffic and ii) spectrum efficiciency Interoperability between coherent and non coherent devices to be clarified. Current situation (To Be Checked) is: All devices must be capable of both PRFs (low and High , see doc 05/0456r 01) The mode of operation is decided above the MAC In a given network (e.g. cell), only one mode exists at a time Need to discuss on other topics PHY PPDU Header (options for different modulations, preamble lengths etc), trailer… Timings (Interframe spacing, turnaround time, …) Philippe Rouzet (STM)

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