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Identifying & Ordering

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1 Identifying & Ordering
Arguments Identifying & Ordering

2 Premises

3 Premises * Reasons

4 Premises * Reasons We went home because no one had any money.

5 Premises * Reasons We went home because no one had any money.

6 Premises * Reasons We went home because no one had any money.

7 Premises * Reasons We went home because no one had any money.

8 Premises * Reasons We went home because no one had any money.
If p, then q p q q

9 Modus Ponens “way of affirmation” If p then q p Therefore q Valid

10 Validity Validity is the term used to signify an argument is correct, that it has followed the rules of formal logic. The truth of the premises logically guarantees the truth of the conclusion.

11 If p then q q Therefore p

12 Invalid If p then q q Therefore p

13 Invalid If p then q q Therefore p If a chicken, then a bird.
This is a bird. Therefore, this is a chicken.

14 Venn Diagram

15 Venn Diagram Wren

16 Argument Markers argue, proof, prove, demonstrate, justify, establish, determine

17 Reason Markers because, since, for, in light of, reason, assume, according to, considering, by, if

18 Conclusion Markers therefore, thus, hence, as a result, in that case, for that reason, as a consequence, then, so, accordingly, the bottom line, rules in

19 Identify the Markers We cannot take another year of high taxes. All of our farm equipment needs replacing, and because we are paying high taxes, we have less money available for buying what we need for our farm. In the long run, this high taxation will also generate less income for the government because more and more farmers will have to get out of the farming business. So more taxes hurts not only farmers, but also the government.

20 Identify the Markers We cannot take another year of high taxes. All of our farm equipment needs replacing, and because we are paying high taxes, we have less money available for buying what we need for our farm. In the long run, this high taxation will also generate less income for the government because more and more farmers will have to get out of the farming business. So more taxes hurts not only farmers, but also the government.

21 Separate the Statements
We cannot take another year of high taxes. All our farm equipment needs replacing. because we are paying high taxes we have less money for buying what is needed high taxation will generate less income for the government because more famers will leave farming so higher taxes hurt the government as well as farmers.

22 Premises Conclusion We are paying high taxes

23 Premises Conclusion We are paying high taxes
Therefore we have less money to buy farm equipment.

24 Premises Conclusion Because we are paying high taxes
Therefore we have less money to supply needed farm equipment. Because more farmers will leave farming. Therefore fewer farmers will pay taxes.

25 Premises Conclusion Because the government is collecting less money.
Therefore the government is harmed.

26 Procedure 1. Identify the “markers” for the argument: reasons(premises) and conclusions. 2. Separate out the statements. Be careful when summarizing or paraphrasing so that you don’t alter the meaning. 3. Arrange in Premise Conclusion order. 4. Evaluate the truth of the premises and check to see the conclusion follows from the premises.

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