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Ms. Mahoney Mrs. Suarez 5th Grade 2019-2020.

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Mahoney Mrs. Suarez 5th Grade 2019-2020."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Mahoney Mrs. Suarez 5th Grade

2 This year your child has TWO teachers!
Ms. Mahoney Math and Science Mrs. Suarez Reading/Language Arts and Social Studies

3 How you can reach us… Staff Directory
Tracy Mahoney Janette Suarez 24 hour turn-around

4 Uniform Policy Uniform polo shirts with the Somerset Academy logo in colors which include navy blue, light blue, white and striped blue/white. Khaki or dark blue pants with the Somerset Academy embroidery labeled by the pocket. ONLY solid navy or a Somerset Academy apparel jackets. Physical Education uniform (K-5th) Fridays are SPIRIT and JEANS DAYS! Students are to wear their grade level spirit shirt and JEANS (no rips or holes). DRESS DOWN DAYS are the last Friday of every month for $2! Keep in mind students still must adhere to the dress code: Students may not come to school in any of the following: Leggings Open toed shoes of any sort/ Backless shoes and or “crocs” Shorts of any length less than fingertip level Tank tops/spaghetti straps/sleeveless tops

5 Daily Schedule 8:30-8:45 Morning work 8:45-9:20 Specials
9:20-11:15 Block 1 11:15-11:45 Lunch 11:45-12:00 Transition 12:00-12:30 Recess 12:30-2:25 Block 2 2:25- 2:30      Dismissal

6 Specials Schedule! Spanish Music Art DEAR iReady Lab STEM Physical Ed

7 Homework Policy Webpage – must sign up for HOMEWORK NOTIFICATION
Parent Vault – instructions link on the webpage Homework Nightly math/reading/language arts/ science Occasionally social studies Incomplete Class Work = extra homework Missing/late homework = -10% every day late Think Central – Go Math, Science Fusion, and Journeys Password distributed soon School Binder goes home nightly

8 Curriculum Reading – Journey’s Common Core Writing – Top Score Writing
Math – Go Math Science – Science Fusion iReady – online program for reading and math

9 Tests and Assessments Each Friday, students take a Spelling/Vocabulary Quiz and Reading Comprehension/Grammar Test (open book) Social Studies, Math, and Science Tests are given only when units are completed. Check Pinnacle weekly

10 A and B week Rotating Schedule Beneficial for Students
Prepares Students for Middle School Begins immediately

11 Pinnacle Parent Login Directions
Username: Password: PMM/DD/YYYY (Date of Birth) Example: User: Password: P07/25/2001 (Date of Birth) ***Please be advised that Parent Pinnacle Access will be available after Labor Day (per the county). ***

12 Promotion Criteria Pinnacle Weights
Promotion Criteria: Students in 5th grade must score a Level 2 or higher on BOTH the FSA ELA and Math assessment. Tests – 45% Classwork – 30% Quizzes – 10% Homework – 10% Projects – 5%

13 Rose Price Park Rose Price Park will be available for parking during arrival and dismissal times ONLY. Please DO NOT park there during any other time of the day. If you are visiting Somerset for conferences or volunteering, please visit the security guardhouse located on Somerset Way and they will assist you in parking.

14 Morning and Sibling Care
Regular Morning Care Shuttle Care N -> S Sibling Care 7:30-8:15 $ per year Only available for students with Middle / High siblings. Online registration required K-3rd grade shuttle riders report to front of Building A. 7:30 am Shuttle from North to South Campus Signup Online. 7:15-8:15 $ per month paid online Deposit and registration online Shuttle Care S -> N Breakfast 7:50-8:15 4th-5th grade shuttle riders report to South campus by 7:40. Signup Online

15 Dismissal: Sibling Care
Students who wait for Middle/High siblings. Students MUST be picked up by 3:10 by their SIBLING from: 5th Grade Sibling pick up Room will be in Room 16. MUST sign a “Permission for Dismissal” form even if not walking home. (Rose Price Park, for example)

16 Sibling South Sibling Care
4th and 5th grade students who wait for Middle/High siblings. Students MUST be picked up from Room 16 no later than 3:10 by their SIBLING. MUST sign a “Permission for Dismissal” form even if not walking home. (Rose Price Park, for example) Parents who have students at both campuses will be given an additional 30 minutes to pick up their 4th and 5th grade students (3:30). Students will be held in Room 1.

17 Dismissal: Carpool (4th and 5th)
For student that get picked up by an authorized adult in the carpool lane located at the Elementary office. Absolutely NO STOPPING or PARKING in the carpool lane. It WILL BE strictly enforced. Parents MUST have an elementary car tag. Parents with Middle/High children have to make the carpool line twice. Must be picked up by 2:50 pm. After 2:50 students will be checked into to the front office and the parents will be charged for after care.

18 Dismissal: Walker Anyone walking off campus, even if it is to meet someone at Rose Price Park, is considered a walker. Must have a “Permission for Dismissal” form signed.

19 Planners and Backpack Tags
Planners are used daily to communicate: year long calendar of school activities homework spelling/vocabulary words passwords and Log in information Panther Backpack Tags All students must have tag on backpack.

20 WONDER by R.J. Palacio Students must have an actual copy of the book instead of an electronic copy. Strategies such as underlining and taking marginal notes can be used with an actual copy, which cannot be used with an electronic version of the book. When purchasing the book, there are two options… Purchase the regular edition of the book (which DOES NOT include the Julian version) and then purchase a supplement called Auggie and Me, which DOES include the Julian chapter along with two other characters’ chapters. I promise, your efforts in finding the book will all be worth it when you see how inspired your children will be by this beautiful story they will be reading! Thank you all for your patience and please let me know if you still have any questions or concerns.

21 Classroom Webpages A GREAT way to check for important information is through our webpage located at Staff Every FRIDAY, we will update our web pages and send an with homework assignments, specials for the week, important dates, upcoming events, reminders, etc. Parents can sign up to get notifications. The instructions can be found on our webpages.

22 Volunteer Hours Parents must complete a total of 30 volunteer hours.
If you have additional children in the middle or high school, you must add 10 additional hours for each child. Volunteer Hours can no longer be paid off as an obligation, so don’t procrastinate. 15 hours by February Next 15 hours by May

23 Ways to Volunteer… Room Parent Classroom help Classroom donations
Field Trips

24 Cafeteria Payments can be made online, in cash, or check.
NEW PRICES: $2.50 Breakfast and $3.50 Lunch Payments can be made online, in cash, or check. Monthly menus are available on our website. Free and Reduced Lunch-applications will be available in your child’s first day packet of information.

25 Online Payments Please make sure that you pay under HOMEROOM teacher name. Please do not pay under “Financial Obligations”. Please print and send in all receipts. Teachers cannot accept checks under any circumstance (except lunch dues).

26 Independence Day Parents can walk students to class on August th…. But on August 16th they are INDEPENDENT!

27 Classroom Distractions
The following items are not allowed in the classroom, except when specifically permitted for special occasions: Handheld electronic devices (cellphones, tablets, etc) Smart Watches Fidget Spinners Goo / Slime Chewing Gum

28 Tardy/Attendance Somerset Academy follows Broward County Schools Attendance Policy 5.5! This means every minute counts, from absences, tardiness, and early sign outs. School begins at 8:30 am. Students that arrive late to school must have parents sign them in at the office and pick-up a late pass before walking to the classroom. For absences: Please provide a note or send an explaining the reason your child was absent the day you return to school or send an to If you are planning for a trip or special occasion, you must submit a letter and get prior approval. Failure to get pre-approval may result in unexcused absences on your child’s attendance record.

29 Important Reminders Students are to arrive on campus no earlier that 8:15am unless enrolled in morning care, sibling care, shuttle service or having breakfast. Please pack a poncho for those rainy days. Always have your car tags clearly displayed to help with arrival and dismissal. Early sign-outs must be before 1:30pm. We are a PEANUT/NUT Free Campus.

30 Gifted/High Achiever What is the Difference?
Same standards and textbooks Incorporate novels, current events, hands on projects Cooperative learning/Discussion Thematic Units/Cross Curricular Faster Pace Experiments, Technology & Research Freedom Effort

31 Final Note We are truly excited to be your child’s teachers! We hope we can have a lot of fun together and learn along the way. We know it will be a successful year! Questions???

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